Complications In The Plan

The next morning, Richard arrived at the military HQ in high spirits. It was unknown why he was so happy. He brought his bag with him towards the training centre. They were still working on the shooting range this week.

He arrived and found the others who had already started training. Most of them challenged each other to a shooting challenge where the one who hit the highest score in ten moves won.

Richard smiled and waved at them as they saluted him. He instinctively looked over to the corner and sure enough, Priscilla was there and the moment their eyes met, she waved at him with a smile. Richard returned the smile and put his bag down. He took off his military jacket leaving his black top on. He stretched for a while before grabbing a gun from the display and loaded it up. He stood before one of the targets and aimed.

At that moment, the wall flickered and a portion lit up and lines of words were thrown out followed by Maya's voice. "Colonel Richard Brad, you are required at General Gordon's office immediately."

Richard sighed deeply and put down the gun. "Continue with the training."

He walked out of the training centre.

Priscilla sat there with a small cup that contained apple juice. She sipped on it occasionally as she watched the training. She then looked at her phone to confirm the time. It was 9 already. She nodded and waited a bit more.


Richard arrived at the General's office but was told that he was in the small training area at the back. He changed his direction and went to the small gym. The man was shirtless. He was practicing with dumbbells.

Richard quickly saluted and he waved his hand at him beckoning him to come closer. He dropped the weights and walked to the hanging Punch Thrower and delivered a single punch. "I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

"When the A.I. says 'immediately' I assume she means as soon as possible."

Gordon chuckled; he reached for his towel and wiped his face. "That's where you got it wrong. As soon as possible doesn't necessary mean immediately."

"What is it, sir?" Richard asked.

General Gordon walked to the small bench by the side and picked up a file and then turned towards Richard and held it out. Richard walked up to him and took the file as he observed the man's face.

He flipped the file and read carefully. General Gordon pointed out. "We need to deliver some equipment and ammunition somewhere and I need you to accompany them. I don't want so many people on the trip."

Richard looked at it for a while then nodded to show that he understood. However, he was cursing the General for choosing him for such a mundane task. He was a soldier and not an escort but here he was accompanying people to deliver something as small ammunition.

"Where are they delivering this and when?"

General Gordon drank form his water bottle. His throat made sounds as he gulped the water down in large amounts. Richard watched as his Adam's apple moved up and down.

After drinking he said, "Base 52. You should get to it as soon as possible. Though it is not needed quickly but it would help if you could deliver it this morning."

Richard nodded. "Base 52, I haven't been there in a while."

"Then treat this as a vacation." The General smiled brightly and returned to his training.

Richard saluted again and left the small gym. He brought the file with him back to the training centre. He grabbed his military jacket and put it on and put on his cap. He took his bag as well then he announced. "You guys should continue without me today. I have some stuff to do."

They all replied with a salute. "Yes sir!"

Pauline paused and shuffled closer to him. "What came up?"

Richard pointed at the file. "I have to deliver some things to Base 52."

"Can I tag along?"

"Shouldn't you train?"

"You know shooting is my forte."

"Fine," Richard tersely agreed. He reckoned that it wouldn't too bad to have her around. "Then let's go."

Priscilla walked towards him with a puzzled look. She had heard him announce that he would miss the day's training. "I have never seen you miss the day's training."

"I can handle that." He threw his bag over his shoulder and gave her a tight smile.

"It will get boring here without you so I'd better go back to the lab." She glanced down while rubbing her left arm nervously.

Richard noticed her reaction and smiled. He observed her for a while before saying, "actually you can come with me. I'm going to Base 52."

Base 52?

Priscilla's eyes widened in surprise and shock. Richard was going to the same base she and K9 were planning to break into! Things couldn't get any more wrong!

Richard saw her shocked expression and thought that she didn't want to come along. "You don't want to come?"

"Not at all," she said with a smile. She was quick to snap out of her surprised state and adjust so as not to give off any suspicious air. "I'm a little excited to go there given that I've heard of their research capability!"

"Then let's go." He moved ahead and she followed behind with a worried look. She had to get away somehow so she could inform K9 about the change in plans. Her heart began to race and beat faster and faster.

'How am I going to pull off my part with Richard around?' she wondered.

Richard led her, Pauline and two other officers to the truck that was supposed to take them to the base. Large boxes were being loaded into the vehicle. Priscilla walked around the boxes and ran her finger along the edges of the box.

When she was sure that she was out of sight, she quickly made a call. K9 answered the call immediately. "What have I told you about not calling during a mission?"

"Listen," she said hastily. "Something's wrong. Colonel Richard Brad is going to Base 52 today and I'm in his team."

K9 understood what she meant. The line fell quiet for a while before he sighed. "Continue with the plan as discussed."

Priscilla wanted to protest but Richard came around to ask her to come to the truck. She quickly ended the call and jumped into the truck. She tried her best to maintain a stoic face so as not to give away herself.