Mission Objective 2 Success

K11 walked down the corridor leading to the other labs. She saw people rushing towards her with panicked looks as the alarm rang signalling for everyone to leave the building.

She mingled with them and helped to 'evacuate' them to safety. She moved along the corridor with large strides. She had a different objective in this mission. She moved on ahead and met a few more scientists who were rushing out.

She peeked into one of the laboratory through the glass window and saw that a few others were in there with unperturbed expression. She cocked her gun and shot at the end of the corridor. "Get out now!"

The people in the lab shuddered due to the gunfire and the loud voice that sent chills down their spine. They didn't even notice that she wore a different uniform from the soldiers there. They rushed out and ran down the corridor to the main exit.

She smiled and kept walking down but then she heard gun shots from a distance. She paused and wondered what was going on. Soon two soldiers rushed at her from the other side of the corridor.

"Hey, you," one of them ordered. "Move down to the main exit for confirmation."

She frowned and asked, "What is going on?"

"We came back to check for anyone who hadn't left already," he paused and gave her a meaningful look. "It appears we have intruders in the base and everyone must confirm their identification before being allowed exit."

"Look no further," K11 said raising her gun at them. "You've found the intruder!"

The soldiers lifted their guns simultaneously and fired at her but she was quicker and more agile. She ducked down and used the force of the fall to propel herself a bit so she was sliding on the floor. She aimed her gun at the stunned soldiers and shot them from the floor.

They fell aside, spilling red everywhere. She hissed. "I hate mess."

She walked down the corridor till she reached the lab she wanted. She pushed the door open and walked in. it appeared that the scientists here had left in a hurry as well. She looked around suspiciously. This was supposed to be the most guarded lab in the whole facility.

She didn't find any soldiers but she did see over twenty security cameras with blinking blue lights. 'This is the tight security,' she thought. 'No one can get in here without being discovered yet there should be a few soldiers here.'

She walked in and scanned the room a few more times while making sure that she was closer to the door just in case anything happened. She searched a bit before pressing her ear piece. "K5, the cameras here are secure, right?"


She eased up a little. She saw crates of small bottles which contained white fluid. These crates contained at least twenty four of those small bottles that weren't as large as an adult's thumb. There were lots of them, stacked one on top of the other. She nodded as she looked around more. The crates occupied half of the room and some were left on the table near the microscope and the other device she didn't know. She traced her fingers on the crates as she read the large 'M' marked on each crate.

She sighed. "The Monitor!"

She quickly left the crates and went towards the table where there were many documents and files. She leafed through them quickly till she came to the one that struck her interest. She smiled brightly and pulled it out of the bundle.

She used her phone and took photos of the page and sent it to K5 outside. She put the document down and picked another till she completed all the documents that she found 'important.'

She pressed her earpiece as she walked out of the lab with a satisfying grin. "K11 to K5, mission objective 2 has been completed. I'm headed for the eastern exit."


K5 quickly transferred the sent files to another computer elsewhere. "Copy that, K11. Good job."

He then said, "K5 to K4 and 6, mission objective 2 has been successful. Standby with the chopper."

"Copy that."


K1 pulled K10 along. The latter was still feeling pains from the bullet wound earlier. The only thing they could do after escaping from the corridor was to tie it up. Stopping to remove the bullet was deadly as they knew that soldiers were after them.

K10 gritted his teeth as he soldiered on. "I knew I should have had sex before coming on this mission."

K1 gave him a deep look and continued to drag him along. "It is clear," he said. "That the bullet has gotten to your brain."

As they walked on they heard hurried footsteps coming towards them. K1 let go of K10 and pulled his gun aiming at the end of the corridor. K10 took a gun with his good arm and gritted his teeth to ignore the pains.

Priscilla appeared and almost fell down when she saw them holding up guns at her. She raised her hands. "It's me!"

K1 sighed in relief. "Let's go, K3 is in danger."

Priscilla glanced at K10. "You'll need a stitch after this."

He grimaced. "If it doesn't get amputated."

They rushed forward down the stairs and towards the lower level. The lights were still flickering but they couldn't see far into the corridor that branched left and right and forward due to the thick smoke of explosions and gun fires.

They followed the direction of distinct gunshots and explosions.

Ta! Ta! Boom! Bang! Those were the sounds that echoed through the corridor as they moved closer. Just at the turning, a quad of solders—over thirty—were firing at a single door.

Those ones with sub-machine guns rattled away till the door was hanging loose. He lifted his leg and made to kick the door down but K1 raised his gun and shot at them blindly. Bullets flew and bodies dropped. The corridor flew into chaos real quick. K10 also rattled his gun away bringing down two soldiers who were scampering to find cover.

"Those are good people," Priscilla said with gloomy eyes. "Why are we shooting at them?"

"Because," K1 kept shooting. "If they get us they'll send us to the worst place in the country—the military prison!"

"I heard that place is sick as hell. I don't want to find out." K11 gritted his teeth and supported in the fight.

"Still, they are people. They have families!"

"Good point," K1 said. "I'll mourn for them later now help out will ya?"

At this point, the soldiers had gotten their composure back. They peeked out again and fired with intent to kill. They released rounds after rounds of small dynamite like bullets that explodes on contact.

"Take cover!"