Aflamed Determination

It was only after the pressure got too unbearable for him that he subtly said, "Hum…can you not hug me so tight? I might suffocate."

Priscilla quickly pulled away with a flushed face. She pushed her hair behind her ear and gave him a weak smile. "Sorry…"

"It's fine." He sighed and sat down on the bed again. Priscilla observed his expression for a while. She sat down beside him.

"Twice…" he began with glazed eyes. "…twice I have been attacked by the Zeros. I lost my team because of them.

"I was so helpless and afraid when I saw bodies fall before me. The bodies of the people I was supposed to protect. I watched as the team I led to the forest almost got wiped out.

"Then I wonder, am I a really bad leader or is it that someone is purposefully targeting me."

Priscilla sighed, a little bit depressed. She didn't know the gist of what happened when the Zeros captured him but she could feel his pain. The pain of losing his team because of them. The pain of watching helplessly as your people were killed like animals. The pain of losing something you loved to them. It was a pain she had experienced and it was relatable.

She squeezed Richard's arm. "Don't ever think that you're a bad leader. You're the best soldier I've ever met.

"There were too many people for you to fight alone and I heard there were several exoskeletons. You're only one man, Richard and what you've done is already really commendable.

"You protected them all you could. You saved 80 of them and that's better than none."

Richard smiled bitterly. "I just wish I could've saved more."

"I know."

"And I wish I could've paid closer attention to the surrounding. When I saw those tracks I should've aborted the training."

"It doesn't matter now."

"And I wish I could've killed some more."

"You'll get another chance."

"And yet when I was able to get my hands on one of them she blew herself up. I'm back to the first square."

Priscilla smiled gently. "This should serve as a lesson to the Zeros to not mess with you anymore."

Richard smiled slightly. It was hardly enough. These people seem to be growing by the day. The last group that attacked him were about fifty or so but this group came in large numbers. They could even afford to bring four exoskeletons with them and two fighter jets. If that amount could be considered just a fraction of their strength then there was more to it than met the eyes. Richard guessed that the only way he could bring down this terrorist group was if he found their leader or base of operations.

He reined in his thoughts and exhaled deeply. "It still bothers me though. The Zeros have made themselves my personal enemy."

Priscilla nodded and asked, "Do you think it has anything to do with the war situation?"

Richard shook his head. "So far the Zeros are very crafty but careful. No one knows a thing about them and no one knows if they are affiliated to Cruderia or Losnia. Right now, we're sitting on our hands."

Priscilla nodded thoughtfully but remained silent. The situation wasn't simple at all. With the fire power that the Zeros displayed, it was visible that no small mercenary team could afford to buy all those weapons and build exoskeletons.

Exoskeletons were expensive to make which was why they were rarely seen on battle fields unless it was really necessary yet this group of people could afford to throw out four of them at the same time.

It either meant they were rich enough to afford so many of them that losing a few didn't bother them or that their mission objective required the use of four exoskeletons. Either way, it was impossible for them to obtain the weapons they used without arousing suspicions.

The conclusion that Priscilla came to was that they had a very powerful backing.

Richard had the same thoughts.


Two days later, Richard was discharged to go home. Lily came along to bring him back to the house. He suddenly didn't like the fact that he was feeling like a baby that Lily had to babysit. It was even worse now since she was almost looming around at the corner.

'It feels like my mother is always with me given how Lily acts,' he thought. He had it in mind to tell her to keep her distance until he sent her a signal.

They arrived home soon and he was welcomed by many posters that adorned the walls of the living room. He turned to her. "What have you done to my house?"

Lily beamed. "I decorated it. I figured you're too lazy to pay someone to do it so I took the liberty."

Richard scoffed. "Did I tell you I needed a decoration?"

"It might help in getting the girls. Women love shiny stuff."

Richard—who was about to order for the colourful posters to be removed—paused for a bit. "Leave them alone."

"Of course," Lily smiled brightly.

"It's sure good to be home."

He went to his bedroom and thankfully, to his relief, there were no colourful posters there. He sighed and stood facing the wall towards the left. After a while he walked to the wall and placed his hand on a particular spot. A faint blue light lit up and scanned his palm before turning green. Another beam of light lit up, scanning his eyes for a few seconds before the wall slid to the side, revealing the secret room.

He walked in with slow steady steps. The wall closed behind him again. He looked around and spotted a gun on the table. He took the gun and loaded it up. He walked up to the target and aimed the gun at the unmoving target. He clenched his teeth, all the memories of the Zeros rushed back at him in full force.

He remembered how he had stood on a land mine, watching as his team was slaughtered. He recalled being woken up every morning with sharp pains on his back and chest. He recalled being beaten till he lost consciousness day after day.

He recalled the day he woke up to hear gunshots everywhere. Finally, he recalled the fighter jets that attacked and killed so many innocent students under his watch. Those Zeros…

He shot at the target till the gun was empty and only clicking sounds could be heard. He gritted his teeth and slammed his fist against the wall. "Whoever you are…I'll find you and when I do, I will destroy you and your group!"

End of Volume One: The Zeros