A Punch For Old Times' Sake

The sun was up early today, clearing the mists as it danced its way up in the sky. Despite the blazing sun, the weather was a little bit chilly.

Arianna and the others were lined up as they did the basic combat moves. They turned, twisted, punched and kicked. They did manoeuvres and flips. All of these when put together was tiring.

They had already exhausted their one week break and were back in camp for full training. They were still 60 recruits who turned out. This number made Marco—who had been feeling a little down these days—to feel proud and elated.

He looked down at the recruits as they worked out for hours, sweat dripping down their faces and onto the ground in huge droplets. They had been training since morning.

His eyes casually landed on Edwin who was barely keeping it together. His breathing was irregular and his chest burned due to oxygen depletion yet he kept going. Marco had to admit that he was proud of him. The country needed brave and strong soldiers but he was sure, in his own way, that they needed soldiers with rugged determination more. He nodded and moved his eyes across. He spotted Arianna, who— while attempting a kick— had almost lost balance.

"Short stuff!" he called out. "Pay attention to your left foot and make sure to shift only half your weight while rounding the kick. Make your centre of gravity a bit low."

Arianna cursed at him silently, not understanding a word of what he just said. After a few more tries, Marco came down personally to help her out. He showed her exactly what he meant and she successfully landed without stumbling.

"If only you were a little taller than a bean pole then you might actually have potential in combat."

Arianna balled her fists and glared at the back of his head as he walked back to the front. She shook her head and wiped her sweaty face and continued with the routine move. Other soldiers were walking among them to assist when necessary.

Somehow, she felt that this was more torturous than running for miles in an obstacle course or getting told to hang upside down on the wall.

She bent down, pushed her leg backward while the other remained in position then she jumped and swung out the leg she had pulled back but this sent her to the ground in an unnatural angle. She fell with a thud.

Marco shook his head again. "Bean pole, you aren't paying attention!"

He gestured for the nearest soldier to help her out. The soldier just stood in front of her and made a swing with his arm. Arianna caught on to the move and ducked down, stretched her leg back and lunged herself out like a compressed elastic tube.

The kick would've connected but the soldier caught her foot and swung her to the side. Marco nodded. "Short stuff, that's how it's done. Use your momentum to land otherwise before you're done tumbling you'd be meat paste."

The word 'meat paste' made Arianna shudder as she recalled how her comrades were reduced to a pile of flesh and blood in the forest. She stiffened and her movements became sluggish.

"Bean pole, concentrate or I'll be forced to send you to the swing."

She cursed at Marco one last time before going at it again.


Edwin wasn't faring much better but he had managed to land three times. He was exhausted but somehow he kept going on. For some reason, Marco had barely noticed him today. 'Is it that I'm actually doing it right for the first time?' he thought.

However, his satisfaction was short lived as Marco's thundering voice pulled him out of his reverie. "Edwin, stop prancing about and focus on your footwork. Your punches suck bad, someone help him out there."

A soldier approached him and guided him through the routine but Edwin always made a blunder at the last step. This was only basic moves not the actual combat class.

In the actual combat class they will be made to spar with each other and against fellow soldiers. This was to put their skills to the test and also learn how to react to different situations during a fight and know how to counter certain moves made by the enemy.

According to the soldiers, "A good soldier doesn't bind his life to his gun but to himself." it was true in a way but for Edwin, he felt he was made for the gun. The itch to pull the trigger always sent him into a scratching frenzy.

He grunted after another failed attempt and tried once more.


Marco swept his eyes across the field again and nodded in satisfaction. He pointed out most of the recruits and gave them orders to go over again from the top while some were directly sent to the wall to 'hang down' for a bit.

Arianna threw a punch then another. Her body swayed with every punch she threw and she lost her footing twice.

"Short stuff, what are you doing?" Marco shot a look at her. "Balance your feet and let the power of your punch spread through them so you won't lose your footing. You can't survive a battle field if you continue like that."

Arianna clenched her teeth hard before lasing out. "With due respect, Lieutenant, I'm throwing punches at the air!"

Marco looked at her for a while before gesturing for her to come up. "Bean pole, get up here."

She didn't hesitate and quickly approached Marco. "Your attitude…"

Before he could finish his sentence, Arianna threw a punch which connected perfectly well to his face. Marco was taken aback by the sudden attack and he stumbled back under the impact of the blow.

He held his jaw and gave her a puzzled look. Arianna smirked. "You thought I wasn't balanced? How about now?"

She rushed at Marco again but the latter easily evaded her and she rushed by. A back kick brought her to a bending position and a swing kick brought her to her knees. She groped and threw a punch blindly but Marco caught her arm and twisted it behind.

He wrapped his leg around her neck and flipped his body, sending her crashing face first to the ground. He released her. Arianna lay on the floor, panting and feeling the pain of the beat down. She couldn't get up anymore.

Marco shook his head. "That's how it's done, comrade Bean pole."

Arianna was breathing heavily but her fading gaze remained on him. He, however, said to her. "You behaviour is bordering insubordination and launching a full attack against an officer is an offense. For this, you've earned 200 on the swing and a do-over."

Arianna felt her blood drain. Despite the harsh punishment, she felt a bit relieved that she had been able to punch his face for all the things he had said to her since the beginning.