Dear ARMYs, I'm so glad you exist! Let's all be together! Happy birthday with all my heart! Special congratulations to my ARMY friends who supported me, @Tae_Nur and @Jade_Luxury, you guys are my special ones! Thank you so much for introducing me to these 7 wonderful and unrealistic 7 guys, or rather the 7 superheroes of my life, and helping me be a part of their existence! Congratulations to all ARMYs and BTS on our special day! ARMY and BTS are the two owners of the most perfect love in the world, or in the universe, in history! I love you all! (now please take a look at the photos I posted in the comments?) ARMYs, don't worry! BTS will never disband! They were created in our hearts! As long as our hearts and souls don't die, they too will live with us forever in eternity!

By the way, there is one more thing I want to point out, the main 3 female characters in my story, 3 of them are ARMY! my dears! Mia, Jade, Ayla, happy ARMY day to you too! You are all very special to me! Do not forget this! Just like BTS and ARMY, you will live forever in my heart! By the way, Ayla, congratulations to you too! I hope Lucas doesn't dare to upset you, because you have me, Mia, Jade, Tae_Nur, Jade_Luxury and all our readers behind you!

Mia: Dear author, Angel, we really thank you, for keeping us alive! Without you, we would never have known, we would not have lived! Happy ARMY day to you too! Even though we really can't do it, on our behalf, congratulate all your ARMY friends on this special day!

Jade:I agree with what Mia said! Happy ARMY day to all! We love you so much! And thank you writer, for perfecting our story! And also on this day, I don't want any ARMY to be offended by another ARMY! Let's always love each other!

Ayla: Thank you for everything and everyone! Sending so many loving wishes to everyone who has contributed to the survival of our lives, especially ARMYs! Author-nim, thank you sama, for making Lucas and I happy! Without you, we wouldn't even exist, let alone get married! Happy ARMY day to all! Ah, men congratulate us all!

Lucas: Hello, dear readers, and the dearest author ever, ev en though we are not into this kind of stuff, we congratulate you all with your.... uhm, dear, what day it was?

Ayla: Ugh, ARMY day, Lucas!

Lucas: Yeah, ARMY day!

Mia: Alex, congratulate our readers!

Alex: Just happy day! Happy life!

Mia: Name our special day!

Alex: Ugh, Ok! I congratulate you all with your ARMY day! Ok? Is it enough!

Mia: I will kill you!

Hey, don't fight! You are talking with our readers!

James: Hello, I am here too! Congratulations with your ARMY DAY! And with your new song, "Permission To Dance", right?

Jade: Ay, Girls, my boyfriend is better than yours! Haha!

Alex: Lucas, shall we kill this James?

Lucas: Let's go! Why are we waiting anyways?

Ah, where did they go?

Mia: My dear author, our people are going to be murderers, look, Jade's already gone to protect James! Let's go too, or they'll kill him, before that me and Ayla must kill Lucas and Alex! Bye, happy ARMY day to all of us again!

They're already gone! Anyway, congratulations again to all of you! Stay with me, that is, with us for new episodes! Don't forget to check the comments section! I'll be waiting for your comments too! Come on bye bye!