Am I a Joke to you (part 3)

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?" That man yelled to him and left right away hurriedly.

But, Handi had lost someone who he respected in his life. In the meantime, the police cars were surrounding him.

Knock!! Knock!!

He decided to pull his car window in the right down to let the man asking him,

"Excessive speeding and underaged driving. Apologizes youngster, we need to arrest you right now."

He decided to cooperate by moving out of his car, letting the police arrested him with his hands were cuffed.

Few hours had passed after the incident. Thus, Handi left the police station with a letter written as a warning letter for speeding.

In the meantime, a man who drove his car had waited for him in front of the police station.

He decided to enter the car quietly, and they left that place.

In the car, the man told him.

"You should ask me to drive instead, young master."

Handi sighed when he knew that his secretary would say so. Thus, he told that man without looking at him.

"You know, Richard. It was a man who I respected most, the man who I treated as if he was my father. Without him, I don't know if this app would be able to build. And without him, I would not be able to expect that I would do this."

That man was smiling, persuading his young master as he said,

"You don't have to be hard to yourself, young master. Mr. Kuso had told me that you would do this if one day he died for this. That's why we can't tell you where he was getting hospitalized."

Handi kept silent as the man continued to speak. His right hand was holding his phone while scrolling around, reading the article regarding his speeding accident.

Thus, he asked the man who was driving his car,

"Where my uncle's final resting place?"

"It's pretty iffy, to be honest." The secretary sighed while stopping at the road, which had the red traffic lamp.

"Why?" Handi asked his secretary, which led him to say,

"We might be unable to see him for the final time after the infectious illness being spread wild in our branch office."

"Are his employees okay?" Handi asked him in a shocked face as he looked at that caucasian guy. Thus, that caucasian guy told him.

"The only one who gets infected was only him. The rest were fine. But, we need to shut that office down for the time being until further notice. Apologizes for making this decision without letting you know."

"Don't worry about that. You did nothing wrong here." Handi consoled that guy when he heard so.

In his mind, he deemed the secretary as he didn't do anything wrong for any reason. It was because that he would do the same if he had known that incident.

Thus, he decided to go to his uncle's office by tomorrow.

A day had passed after the incident.

He was arriving in an empty office with the chairs, and monitors were well-aligned. There was nobody there who was working as he issued the notice last day.

He moved to the desk in the top left with the name "Kuso Amakusa - CTO" is remained there with the broken teacup that was left there untouched with the dried-up coffee that spilled back then.

Thus, he walked out of that office, and he decided to drive his car towards the designated place.