Dropped out

"Did you remember the racial incident in year 1998?"

"Racial incident? I wasn't born at that time. But, I know what had happened in that time." Handi replied to her which later, she continued to explain as she said,

"That incident was orchestrated by my mother."

Handi froze into fear when he had heard those. He remembered his father's word about how horrible that incident was. Thus, he shivered, looking at Maya in a fearful expression. 

But then, Maya continued to explain as she said,

"You don't have to worry about it. My father had seen through it. But, he knew that in our clan, we should not hurt each other no matter what kind of issue that was. Thus, he orchestrated everything with your father, in order to eradicate her and [The Rook] under her."

"So... It was my father's plan all along?" Handi replied to her, looking at her with a shocked expression which then, Maya replied to him,