"Is it usual for Belfare's citizens to cause trouble?" Turning to the emperor's son, I gave him a gentle smile and curtsied.
"No, it's not usual, however, I have little tolerance with countries based on lies." I glanced into his eyes, and he nodded his head as if he understood the situation.
"Do you strongly support the crown?" He asked, and I turned to face his brown eyes, as they swirled in the ray of sunlight from the window, surprisingly calming.
"What are your motives, Prince Raymond?" He shifted his brown eyes onto me, and I could feel the probing orbs watching me carefully. I continued when he didn't speak anything, "It mysterious, why a prince is following a young Duchess, when there is no reason for you to be in this part of the castle." He raised his eyebrows and smirked.
Reaching out, he grabbed a strand of my hair, before I stepped back in shock. "I wanted to figure out, who you are. There are rumors that I've heard. 'A young daughter of the duke, is going to participate in the annual tournaments, can she even last long?' I stared at his fancy hairpin, to avoid looking into his eyes.
"The rumors seem true. How does this affect you?" I asked while picking up the edge of my dress to start walking back to Elias's office, figuring that it would be for the best. "Let's get back to Prince Elias," I muttered while walking, and he followed, before matching his pace with me.
"First, I wanted to put a name to a face. Secondly, I wanted to request a duel with you, since the rumors have spread that you're a talented swordswoman." I smiled lightly at the praise but was slightly concerned that this Prince wanted to fight with me.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I'm afraid that I can't spar with you because I am busy with training for the next week. Maybe you will be pleased to watch the matches in the arena, later on." I stepped into the room, and the other princes looked up, and then Princess Ruby followed in quickly afterward.
"Shall we start the tour, I'm on a tight schedule and have to return for my duties quickly." The three of them nodded, and we all stood up to follow Elias out of the room. Princess Ruby, stayed by Elias, only glaring a couple of times in my direction when she glanced over her shoulder.
Prince Raymond chose to walk beside me while making occasionally comments about the castle. He was either sarcastic all the time, or he was observing the state of the country. Although Mysteria was a country that was a speculator for many events, they were often observing the country's state, for any possible difficulties for their country.
Prince Erik was a quiet prince, who walked between, Elias and Ruby and Raymond and me. I was surprised at how quiet and distant this prince was compared to the countless people I've run into from the tribe. It was hard to believe that he was going to inherit the throne of the modern Vikings.
"Prince Elias, are your gardens as magnificent as they are expressed?" The familiar voice spoke aloud, as Elias finished showing us around an artifact room. There were so many ancient objects that our country used; weapons, clothing, and dishes. It was always amazing to see things of the past, and I mentally marked the place down inside my head, to visit again later.
"I suppose I should show you our gardens. Even though we are approaching the fall season, our gardens are bright with colors, so I think you'll be satisfied, Prince Raymond." I looked between Elias and Raymond and could tell feel the tension oozing in the air, and I wanted to escape it.
Both boys had different views; one came from a country that cares little about their people, and the other was raised to listen to their people.
"I'll make the opinion." He spoke and stood with his back even straighter.
"I'm sure you will," Elias muttered under his breath. The rest of us stayed quiet until we reach the royal gardens.
Once we arrived at the gardens, I was in awe as it was one of the rare times that I got to see it. It was still green, with multiple foreign plants, it didn't seem like fall was around. Separating away from the group, I walked over to a purple flower that was tempting to touch, but a warm hand grabbed my wrist.
"You weren't thinking of picking that were you?" He inquired, as I yanked my wrist from his hold.
"I was interested, but now I realized which flower it is, it's a poisonous one." I watched the boy's face, as he took the time to process what had happened.
"Why do you keep following me?" I asked while turning to walk away. Distracted, I noticed a tip of a very detailed statue in the distance and decided to make my way there.
"You've captured my attention, it's not every day that you meet an independent lady." I studied his softened features before they turned stern again like he wasn't supposed to show those emotions.
When his face is relaxed, it was an eye-catching one. His brown eyes looked beautiful as they brightened when he wore a hint of a smile, his hair framed his face perfectly, he had a perfect nose, he was handsome. However, the only thing not to like about him, was his attitude.
"And?" I raised an eyebrow in question, knowing there was more to why he was following me.
"And I can't stand being around Prince Elias or Princess Ruby. Plus, a lady should never travel alone." He raised his shoulders into a shrug when I stopped and turned to glare at him.
Ignoring the motion, I went ahead and asked the question that I've been holding in, "Why do you dislike, Prince Elias?"
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him think hard about my question, even bringing his hand to rub his chin. We walked in silence for about ten minutes, peaceful silence, before he answered the question.
"I guess I'm slightly envious of the Prince," I looked over my shoulder, pausing mid-step. "Prince Elias has a couple of close friends that are willing to stand up for him, people that he can rely on. Within being here for a couple of days, I've noticed there is a conflict with the nobles, and it's tiring for the both of you." I nodded my head, slightly relieved that he was observant.
"It can be slightly exhausting, with our nobles always fighting amongst themselves. However, I'm still confused, about how you don't like the prince." he nodded, and went back to his explanation.
"He's responsible for his country, he has a clear image of what he wants Belfare to be, yet, I am far from inheriting Mysteria, I'm not even that involved with my country. It's the responsibility that he has on his shoulders, and the fact that his father trusts him, that I'm envious about." he drooped his shoulders in slight defeat, as he described his situation.
"You're both the same, he wasn't always like this." I decided to speak up and he perked. "I suppose being the last heir to the throne really takes away your childhood." I reminisced. It was hard to believe how much Elias has changed since the first day that I met him.
"And you?" I looked at him, with a perplexed expression, "You are also an heir, I can tell with how much you know about politics, and how the government system works. Do you feel like your childhood was taken?" I was taken aback by the question. it was so odd to be asked about my personal life.
"Actually, I've never felt that way. The reason why I picked up a sword in the first place, was because it called out to me. I have plenty of time to learn my other duties, however, future rulers don't." Walking onto the cleared area, I smiled a the statue, it was a beautiful sight.
The Five Great Elder dragons of the Dragon Nation were painted beautifully in the statue. Their scales sparkling brilliantly in the sunlight, all wearing fierce faces just like how some of the textbooks pictured them.
The red dragon, who has not given his name, even the history books don't know it. He was in the center because he was the ruler, and he was a fire dragon.
On his left, stood Raphael the general, whose scales were green. He was known to control the lands. Next was a female dragon, whose name was Rosemary. Rosemary was a simple dragon that came from humble origins, however, she did have a skill for healing.
On his right was, Sapphire, a blue dragon who was a close relative to the red dragon, she controlled the waters. Sapphire was also one of the closest dragons to the people because she purified their water.
On the farthest right, stood Zayn. His black scales glittered darkly and the hatred for humans was evident in his eyes, and humans feared him greatly.
"It seems different. Everything took a sharp turn when the Elder dragons were rumored dead. If they were still alive, our world would flourish." I turned around looking at my company, Prince Erik walked forward to the railing, which surrounded the statue because it was placed in a pond.
"Indeed," I muttered, and it wasn't long before I heard a wailing voice, coming in our direction.
"Your Highness you're so mean!" I looked at the tear-faced young girl, and it took everything not to smirk. She rushed over to stand by Raymond before she rethought her plan. The Prince glared at the young princess and she lowered her hands from his arm, in fear.
"All I said was that I have no interest in an arranged marriage. Plus, Latil barely has anything to offer." Elias stepped into the clearing and nodded his head at both Raymond and Erik, and he smiled gently to me, which I returned to him.
"Well... it's all her fault." Ruby pointed her finger at me, with tears dripping down her face, yet I could see she was trying everything not to laugh. She was hoping that this would work in her favor, but really she was just messing with someone that she shouldn't have.