An Unexpected Visitor

Once I arrived home, Mother greeted me with a loving hug. When she reached me, I noticed her features were filled with instant relief. Knowing she spent most of her day worrying about my matches, I patted her back gently.

"It went well, Mother. I'm not hurt, but I am tired." She nodded and let go of me. Following her into the house, the smell of steak wafted in the air. My stomach growled loudly in response, and I blushed in embarrassment, both my parents laughed it off.

"Go wash up, then we'll eat." I retreated from the living room and rushed up to my extravagant room. Jennifer followed me to my room, but I waved her off after she started the water. If she sees the bandage she'll tell my Mother, and it will be a whole ordeal that I didn't quite have the energy to deal with.