Who is He?

My bones ached horribly, from the amount of rough horseback riding that my kidnapper did, not even stopping for a moment during the day. The drug effects were slowly dissipating, however, my senses were still foggy. I could tell I was in someone's arms for the whole night, as we rode through the quiet woods.

Through my senses, I could feel the change in the climate throughout the ride. Belfare's hint of winter was taken over by the hint of Caribbean air, only once have I been to the border. Although my senses were dull, I could tell my surroundings were constantly changing, just blurring by.

Opening my eyes slowly, I looked up at the sky noticing the full moon, it's been a full night since my disappearance. The rider looked down noticing that I was slightly awake, he almost looked relieved for a moment, although, It didn't take him long to pull out a cloth with the same substance, and placing it on my mouth, once again I was unconscious.