Princess Angel

Waking up with a start, I looked out the window, noticing that it was close to the time to meet with Her highness. Quickly and soundlessly putting on my jeans and long sleeve shirt which has an off-the-shoulder design. Grabbing my boots to put on after I've reached the end of the ramp.

I tiptoed down to the lower level, missing two sleeping figures who were on the ground. Walking over to the third hammock and shook Carlos awake, dodging his flailing blade. I grabbed his wrist firmly, immobilizing the blade, then looked into his wide purple eyes.

"Shh, get up." I clamped my hand over his mouth as he was going to say something, and he panicked slightly. "I'll be waiting on the dock," I muttered while looking warily at the others, which were sleeping soundlessly. Thankfully Rala was quiet as well.