A New City (2)

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Duchess Rebecca Willow." The familiar voice echoed in the large foyer, which has two spiral staircases that led up to the next level of the castle. The castle was bright with marble, the floor was white marble, and the large cylinder columns that were holding up the floors were made out of Breccia Oniciata, that tan-colored marble.

The handrail of the castle was made out of shiny brass, reflecting the beautiful bright sun, creating a warm glow in the room. The windows, were massive, about floor to ceiling in length, and were sparkly clean. I could almost see rainbows in them.

When Chief Sharif's voice echoed in the hall and I immediately smiled, happy to see another familiar face. And to see him again in his homeland, where he felt at ease meeting me. He walked until he was about an arm's length away, and tipped his head.