West Wing

*** The Next Day.

Waking up to the first rays of sunlight, I dragged my hand over my face letting out a small tired sigh. The boys and I went to our respective arrangments after sharing a cup of tea with Emperor Alexander -I still have the habit of calling him by the title that I first met him with, and I didn't think it was polite to speak to him casually. 

It didn't take me long to fall asleep after I cleaned up and watch the sunset from the porch. I was able to fall asleep, knowing that nobody would harm me while I had Emperor Alexander watching over me. Besides I was too exhausted to care at that point.

Now that I was slowly waking up in the new environment, everything was still dark, except the warm glow that was coming from the east window. I sat up after a couple of minutes, unbraiding my long hair, leaving it to rest on my shoulders.