Coronation Ball (2)

She took a deep breath to calm her uneasy nerves, despite being in the spotlight for many years. Once she meet my eyes, I nodded my head, bringing my right hand to her upper back, changing the position of my hold on her right hand, gently holding it out.

She placed her left hand on my shoulder, glancing at my father who was bound to have a grin on his face. Once she cracked a smile, she meet my eyes, and I lost myself in those glittering orbs.

"You're nervous?" I asked, pulling her closer while nodding my head to the musicians to start the music.

"You might be used to having a couple of hundred people staring at you, but I'm not." She replied in a whisper. Once the beautiful ballroom music echoed in the hall, I took the lead, pulling her closer to me as we moved across the floor performing an advance waltz.