Start of a New Reign

A month later 

"Your Grace, the generals are here to personally see you, and they brought the military institute leaders." My assistant –Mike, walked up to me as soon as I stepped out of my chambers, ready to enter morning court as the Queen of Belfare, taking my seat beside Elias as I have been for the past two weeks. 

After my ceremony, stating my vows in front of hundreds of people, then had a parade in my honor, with cheers for my name, flowers tossed on the streets, and signs that were happy about me taking the official title of Queen. 

"Have them wait till morning court is finished, and then I'll meet with them." I ordered and the young fellow nodded his head, typing into his tablet, before holding out a document that needed both my and Elias' signature, it was the monthly expenses that are usually in my care, but since I'm still adjusting to my role Elias is helping me.