Chapter 1

"Iris! Run!" I yelled at her! She instantly starting running towards me. As soon as she reached me we started running.

"Mary, where the hell should we run too?" she asked while running with me in the direction back towards the crowded mall.

"Where there are people and cops!" I told her. It was quite aways back to the mall. We had gotten bored waiting on my Uncle to be done with a business meeting of some sort and decided to walk around the parking lot to a nearby park. walking back from the park we noticed we were being followed. The men tried grabbing Iris first but I saw what was happening and here we are!

"Mary. They are gone." Iris whisper yelled at me. That made no sense. We were not back at the Mall yet. We were in the outer parking lot, still a good run away from the mall. There weren't many people around so they were not scared off.

Iris stopped running. I instantly stopped as well. I didn't want us to get separated. That would make us really easy to catch.

"Iris we have to get back to the mall and get in the crowds. I dont think we lost them at all. I think they stopped hoping we would slow down and then they can grab us on the way back."

Thinking about it more I realized that is what they were doing.

"Iris let's take the parking garage in. Its a longer way. They think we will take the most direct way back." She looked unsure but nodded. We both started running again.

On the way to the parking garage I looked for the men again. I didn't see them but that didn't mean they were not there. We passed one guy on the way. I almost stopped but I also reminded myself I didn't clearly see the three men so he could have been one of them for all we knew. We made it to the parking garage safely. I was out of breath and so was Iris. We normally didn't run really at all. Sure we went to the gym but we were not fucking doing cross country training.

"Mary are you scared?" Iris asked me. I could tell she was scared. She was shaking and her voice changed.

"Yes. Iris do you have your knife on you?" I saw tears well up in her brown eyes and she shook her head instead of answering. Fuck. I had my knife but I bet those men had guns and there were 3 of them at least. We could only hope those assholes had given up on us and found someone else or left. We needed a plan.

"Okay so here's the plan. First we are going to find some kind of weapon for you while we walk back to the mall area. Then when we get back to the main mall. Get lost in the crowd and make our way to the fancy restaurant where my Uncle is having dinner and we wait inside the restaurant for him to finish. If we see those men again we have to fight them because if they grab us we are done for. Take a deep breath and let's get going. We've been resting for to long."

She took some deep breaths and started walking quickly to through the parking garage. It was packed like usual but not a soul was down here. We had to go to the top floor to get across to the catwalk to get into the mall directly. The easiest way was the elevator and it had cameras so we would be okay.

We got in the elevator and were almost to the top when it stopped to let other people on. The door opened and the three men were there. I hit the button to close the doors but it was to late. One of the men grabbed Iris by the waist and fought her defensive punches and kicks off. Another man tried grabbing me but I broke his nose and then reached for my knife without thinking I stabbed him in the gut and started twisting the knife around. I knew this would kill him slowly. He started losing blood fast while the other man was still defending himself. Go Iris! The man i had stabbed starting speaking in a foreign language i didn't know. Now I had the attention of the other man. Without thinking I kicked the man I stabbed as hard as I could in the balls and lunged at the other man. I stabbed him in the neck.

Iris screamed. I was shaking. Ding! We were at the last floor! The door opened to reveal the third man and 2 others. Fuck. Two went for me. I went for them. I felt my knife make contact with skin and felt blood. I also felt my ribs fracture I think. The pain was enough to make me lose my grip on the knife.

The man that I didn't stab pinned my arms behind my back and zip tied my hands tightly.

" Fiery are we?" he asked me.

"Yes." I tried to escape but it was no use. He then proceeded to punch me. I started to fight but the pain was really starting to get the best of me.

"That is enough!" I heard a voice say before I blacked out.

When I woke up I remembered instantly what happened and looked around. I was in a cage a small cage. It was about 6ft long and 3ft wide. The cages were made out of chain link fencing. I felt rocking and figured out that we were on a ship. I stood up and felt pain everywhere. I looked around and could see other girls to my right. I didn't see Iris so I turned to my left and saw her sleeping or at least I hope sleeping.

"Iris" I whispered. She immediately jumped and woke up.

"Mary! oh my God your awake! are you okay! I thought you were dead! I think we've been here for 3 days! Mary they beat you so badly! oh my god!" she said loudly coming over and putting her fingers through the fence. I grabbed her fingers with mine.

"i don't know. I hurt really bad!" Then I collapsed. Iris started screaming loudly. I tried to talk or move but I couldn't.

"Whats going on down here?" A male voice yelled. Iris instantly stopped screaming. I heard footsteps coming. I prayed they would keep going when they saw me but they didn't.

"Shit." He opened the gate and came in. He didn't touch me just looked.

"Hey, get up. are you okay." When I didn't get up after a few moments. He nudged me and I moaned in pain.

"Fuck." He picked me up and laid me down on the cot and ran out. I blacked out again.

I woke up in the same place but a different man was inside with me sitting in a chair watching me. I said nothing and didn't move. I was frozen in fear honestly. I dont think my body could handle another beating.

"Hello." the man said looking me directly in the eyes. I must have looked frightened because he kept talking.

"I'm not going to hurt you or let them beat you anymore. They were not supposed to hurt you. I'm sorry that they did that. They have been punished. I looked at your wounds. When we get to shore a doctor will look at your ribs. I think they may be broken or fractured. Can you sit up to eat and drink something? I'm not leaving until you do." I still didn't answer him. I looked at his face realizing he was not a bad looking man. In any other instance I would have flirted. I could tell he had dark hair that was a little shaggy almost like skater hair but it looked sexy not stupid like skater hair. His eyes were cobalt blue and staring into mine. He smiled at me and moved to help me up. I tried to sit up but I was so weak. He put his arm behind my shoulders and lifted me up slowly. Once I was sitting he still supported me and gave me a glass. I smelled it and it smelled like water. I gulped the whole glass in seconds. Water never tasted so amazing.

"thank you." I barely got the words out.

He smiled. "Your welcome. Now let's try a sandwich. I will get you more water too."

He reached back and grabbed a jug and handed it to me. It was his. He saw me pause.

"I don't have any germs i promise." he said laughing a little. Fuck it. I opened it and drank it all.

He gave me a sandwich next which I ate quickly. He also gave me his sandwich. I ate it too. Afterwards I felt bad about eating his food.

"I'm sorry I ate your food." I told him.

"You haven't eaten in a few days don't be sorry. I will bring you more food in a little while. You can't stuff yourself to much more or you will be sick. For now I will stay right here and hold you up for a while longer."

I was to busy eating and drinking to notice his arm was still behind me and how close he was to me. I started getting uncomfortable but I was to scared and sore to try to do anything about it.

The man stayed with me for awhile. I said nothing because I was so tired. I eventually nodded off to sleep.

The next time I woke up the man was there again.

"Hey you slept for a whole day! How are you feeling today pretty girl?"

"I hurt but I am getting some strength back. My name is Mary by the way." I said sitting up to look at him in his chair.

He smiled noticing how I didn't like being called a pretty girl and how I sat up before he could touch me.

"My name is Bash. Its nice to meet you."

"Speaking of meeting. Where are we going?" I asked. I needed to know. I feared the answer but I needed to know so I could prepare myself mentally. The teasing and the smile left his face. He looked around before answering.

"Russia. Some you are going to be chosen by high ranking officials to be their wives."

"What happens to those who don't get chosen?" I barely got out before crying. Bash rushed over to me.

"Shhh there. That won't happen to you or your friend. You both are young and pretty. If no one wants you I will take you and you will be okay."

I couldn't stop myself from breaking down and sobbing and crying. I heard Iris crying too. Bash rubbed my back and then hugged me.

Suddenly I had an idea pop into my mind.

"Bash will you take us home? I will do whatever you want! Please!" I wailed. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. After I calmed down a little bit. Bash answered me.

"I would if I could. We will see what happens tomorrow."

He stayed with me for a the whole night. He talked to Iris and I to distract us both.