Chapter One : Misguided

At the gates of the capital, it was overwhelming for me to look at from not seeing giant buildings before.

"Woooah, all of this is huge, it is truly amazing to see the Capital." I spoke enthusiastically.

Getting in was easy since guards only searched for weapons on the exception that someone was an adventurer or a hunter trying to sell their hunting spoils, and other legal items, which I didn't need to worry about since I have mostly blacksmithing tools on my person. Inside the capital was foreign to me as well, it was bustling with many people, merchants and the like.

But something I noticed with everyone seemed to catch my eye. Everyone was either sad, depressed, gloomy, or disconnected in a way.

(Why is this, if the Capital itself is pleasant place, why does everyones faces look as though they've been through too much adversity?) I thought quizzically, wholly unaware of the why behind the what.

I shook my head and put those thoughts aside and came to a small error and realization: I hadn't thought about what I would do once I made it to the capital.

(I wonder if there is any blacksmithing shops that are looking for willing, able, ready, and skilled hands)

So began the day looking for a place to work, which to misfortunate couldn't find any willing to hire me. The night was young and I didn't have the money to rent a room, so I was stuck outside... alone... in the dark...where it is very cold... which I didn't prepare for.

"It'll be too cold for me to sleep comfortably, not like I can sleep under a roof for the time being, what would you do in this situation grandfather?" I mused to myself unaware of of the carriage coming by until I heard the hooves of horses clipping and pulling the carriage.

I turn and see the carrige roll along and come to a stop. The carriage door opens and out comes a girl, a blonde girl to be exact.

"Hello there stranger, you look as though you're in need." The girl said with a friendly smile.

"Yes, stating the obvious I have no roof to sleep under and barely have any to buy anything good. Wait why are you talking to me about being in need?"

The girl gave a wide smile, of that of an innocnet child and started,

"Well to start I love helping others in need, with that said I'll let stay at my place, you'll have some warm food and a good place to sleep. Oh and I'm Aria by the way, you?"

"Davis, nice to meet you, and I'll take you up on that offer of yours. Shall we?"

I could notice thw sparkle in her eyes when she went "Yay!!" and proceeded to lead me by the hand to her carriage.

The ride was some time and by the time I was already there I was exhausted, and willing to sleep anywhere; however, I was even more hungry.

"Supper has already been made so come eat with me and family, I'm sure they'll be very happy meeting you."

I had no objection to this and agreed to meet her family and eat with her family as well.

"Mom, and Dad I've brought a new friend over!"

"Really? Well hello there young man I'm Arias' father." I was greeted by elderly man with a mustache and with a friendly smile.

"It is very good timing that we have a guest, that being you, come join us for a well supper."

I feel grateful for this hospitality and kindness of this family,

"I would love to, thank you for you kindness and hospitaltiy I truly haven't encountered any hospitality up until now, so I'm most grateful for this."

I joined Aria and her family for supper which was amazing.

"Again thank you, all of you for your kindness and hospitality, I hope it isn't too much to ask; but, may I stay here?, Only for the night, then I'll be out tomorrow."

"Of course young Davis stay here awhile and enjoy your time here." the father responded.

Davis : "Ah thank you aga- whoa, oh man why..does?"

My head felt heavy and the only question I had in my mind was of Aria. Only then I could faintly hear words about a shed.