End 1

#Near the Old Hale House

Inside the dark forest, more than fifty people are aiming heavy firearms at three youngsters. Two boys and a girl with a bow. Across of them, stood the leader of the fiftyish people.

One of the two was Derek and the other was Scott while the girl was Allison. Naturally, the leader in this hunting group is Kate Argent.

Initially, Scott and Derek were hiding inside the forest avoiding Hunters and Peter. But the plans were thrown away when Allison came searching for them. After hearing her aunt said she was going to kill Derek and Scott she panicked. She knew where Scott was hiding and came to meet him. Who knew Kate would follow her. ( I knew).

Kate: " Sweety, get away from here I don't want to hurt you." She said while pointing her gun at Allison.

Allison: " I can't let you kill them, they haven't done anything wrong," She said while shaking her head.

Kate: " So what? I don't care what they did or what they didn't do. Can't you see they aren't like us, they are different, werewolves? I thought we were past this."

Allison: " You're going to kill them because they are different? You are nothing but a murderer." SHe said disgusted by her aunt's words. She never thought Kate was this kind of a person. She talked like human life is nothing in her eyes.

Scott: " Allison get back, we can take care of this," He said not wanting to see this girl suffer anymore Scott stepped forward. Although Derek was always cold, at the end of the day he was a soft-hearted guy. He too stepped forward.

Kate: " That's right, now tell me where the Alpha is" But seeing Scott stepping forward she aimed her gun at him, while she pulled another gun aiming at Derek.


Derek growled angrily.

Kate: " Sweetheart I still remember how you made that sound in the bed, under me" She mocked Derek further annoying him.

???: " Put the gun down!"

Kate: " Oh! Chris, you came, nice timing kill the bigger one and catch the little one" She said referring to Scott and Derek to Chris.

Chris: " They haven't killed anyone, we can't go against the code, stop this," He said between anger and sadness. After knowing the history from Stiles, Chris immediately rushed over to stop Kate, he knew with her personality she is not going to stop killing until every last one of them dies. What he didn't expect was his daughter to be here too.

Kate: " Aw! Not you too, fine I'll do it myself" She said in disappointment before ordering her men to advance.

Since Allison and Chris couldn't kill their own people they were subdued easily. However, Derek and Scott managed to put up a good fight. Scott didn't kill hunters except by knocking them out. Derek was a bit heavy-handed yet he never made a mortal wound severe enough for the Hunters to die.

No matter how good the two Betas defend themselves, Hunters managed to outnumber them. Soon Derek and Scott were captured by Kate and her men.

Kate: " Oh Derek, my cute little lover, did you miss me?" She said while playing with his cheeks. Derek however was enraged simply by being beside her while trying to bite her sometimes.

Kate: " Hehe! Still feisty I see. No matter, you will die soon enough. Then you can meet your family and tell them it was my pleasure for letting you unite with them again." She said while moving towards Scott without caring about the furious Hale.

Kate: " As for you brown eyes, you made the same mistake he did, dating a Huntress. Not bad, not bad at all. I guess I have to thank Allison for bringing you two to me. Like aunt-like niece."

Allison: " I'm nothing like you!" She screamed loudly hearing Kate's remark. She really didn't like to hear Kate say both of them are alike.

Kate: " Ok keep telling yourself that, now Scott you have to do something for me, call out to your Alpha."

Scott: " Are you crazy? If he finds the Argents here, then he will kill you all, I can't do that" He said thinking about Allison's safety. And if the Alpha finds out it's a trap he might think they somehow betrayed him into a trap.

Kate: " Alright! Let me rephrase that. If you don't call out the Alpha I'm going to shoot your girlfriend"


A silver bullet flew past inches away from Allison's ear as it pierced the tree behind her.

Scott/Chris: " You monster!!!" They both yell at the same time looking at Kate Argent, however, she only laughed at them and reloaded her gun.

Kate: " Now what would it be? Call or no call? She said while aiming this time at Allison's shoulder.

Derek: " Scott...do it," He said weakly. He was already weakened by silver and wolfsbane not to mention 10 people around him pointing fully loaded guns at his head.

Scott: " What?! Are you crazy?! He will kill us all!"

Kate: " Listen to him Scott, your girlfriend doesn't have to get hurt." She said looking at the pitiful Allison who was crying.

Derek: "Let's do it, he won't kill us! Remember there is someone way stronger than him, he will also come if we both howl" He said pulling his remaining strength to howl as loud as he could.

Kate: " Oh! Looks like there is another Alpha? Is it from a rival pack?"

Kate: " Good good...call them now or you can count bullet holes on Allison's body" She became excited thinking about killing two Alpha's in one day.


When Fenrir started the chase towards the howling, Peter also finished his work swiftly before heading toward the Old Hale House. He jumped over a huge size gate and disappeared into the darkness. This huge gate had a word carved on its steel bars. It spelled ' Eichen House'.


Two minutes after Fenrir heard howling.

As Fenrir reached the area of the Hale house he picked up quite a few human presences. He knew what was about to happen here. But he was a little surprised after seeing a large group of hunters around the place. He saw Kate pointing a gun at Scott and another one at the crying, Allison. Derek was pinned down by hunters, while Chris looked at Kate with hate and a saddening look. Fenrir already understood Kate forcefully made Scott and Derek howl to bring out the Alpha. Too bad that they called out the wrong one to mess with.

While Kate had an advantage in numbers, Fenrir was not fazed at all. Kate could never imagine how strong Peter or Fenrir were. She may be a hunter, but they never confront werewolves out in the open like this, what's more, in the forest, wolves always have the terrain advantage. Not counting the fact that Fenrir is The God of Animals. But before they become alarmed Fenrir grabbed the nearest hunter and threw him towards Kate. The hunter smashed into Kate and threw her and her guns away.

Kate: " He's here!" She said and immediately stood up and pulled out another gun from her shoe ankle.


Two hunters that were holding Allison flew across the group screaming before hitting a tree simultaneously. When Kate and the others were able to react, Allison wasn't there anymore.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Everyone started to unload silver bullets assuming the direction Fenrir went. As they emptied the whole magazine, the forest fell silent.

Kate: " Stay alert, he is somewhere around us," She said carefully scanning her surroundings. But after 30 seconds, nothing happened. After another 30 seconds, nothing happened.

" I don't think he gojogojogoj"

Someone tried to speak his mind, yet in the middle of his words, his throat became a bloody mess. Hunter's eyes widened as he kneeled on the ground holding his neck.

Scott: "It's him" He muttered looking at Derek's surprised face. His mutter was loud enough to be heard by Chris and Kate. Both became vigilant looking around.


Suddenly a screaming followed with two heads falling down. Then again silence dominated the whole area. Except for the head rolling sound, and occasionally a cicada flapped its wings with a high pitch shriek.

Kate: " Come out you bastard. Aren't you the big bad Alpha?! Come on!!!" He yelled frustrated and angry.


The reply came from one of her men as he flew away from his position. The next moment, the men that were restraining Derek and Scott were nowhere to be found.

It was Fenrir who came after taking Allison back to his house. He didn't want her to see her aunt dying, well sort of by the hands of the Alpha although she will go rogue anyway according to Akira because her mom's death will take a big toll on her but that is necessary.

While Fenrir knocked down the Hunters, Peter started a killing spree hiding in the shadows and he had a helicopter because of the kill strea *cough* *cough*. More than ten people died, while a few more lost consciousness after hitting a tree or rock. As the hunters heard two Alpha's running circles around them, their strong minds started to collapse. Peter ruthlessly sliced apart another Hunter in two. Although Fenrir could have killed them, he didn't want to hear Scott's nagging because that will annoy him to end and he will want to kill him. Keep in mind, he doesn't care about any of these people except for Malia in the future. He only cares about his Master and Creator to put up an entertaining show. As if a bomb went off, every Hunter started to run for their life. Fenrir didn't chase them as Peter would already kill them. Peter although wanted to kill every single one of them, his primary goal is none other than Kate Argent.

Fenrir suddenly appeared between Derek and Scott and stood as if protecting them from Kate.

Chris: " Where is Allison?" He asked pointing the gun at Fenrir.

Fenrir: "She is safe," He said simply not at all bothered by the gun since nothing works on him. He was still in his human form after all that since it wasn't really necessary at all to beat Peter in his wolf form especially after he bought new clothes.

Kate: " You..." She tried to say something but she was knocked down by Peter. She rolled over and fired her gun. Chris couldn't just sit there and watch his sister die. Without thinking twice, he fired his gun as well.

Derek and Scott tensed up and instinctively came a bit closer to Fenrir. Fenrir however watched calmly as Peter was playing with the Argent duo.


Accompanying a wind-cutting sound, two guns lost their owners. In a blink of an eye, Peter managed to unarm two experienced Hunters. The next second Fenrir saw Peter coming out from the woods.

Kate: " Stay away. You...but, you are not supposed to be...don't come any closer"

Kate backed away fearfully. The whole time she thought the Alpha was killing for sport as they do normally. But looking at the cold face of Peter and Chris saying that all those incidents are connected to the Hale House fire she understood everything up until now.

Kate: " Ah!...Ah!...please" She said after Peter grabbed her by the neck.

Chris: " Let her go"

Peter: " Not so fast," He said while he held Kate facing Fenrir and the other as he placed his claws on her neck.

Peter: " Not for what she did to my family. I wanted to let her watch every single one of her family members die before her eyes. But someone seemed to disagree with me" He said while looking at Fenrir.

Fenrir: " Well...yeah, but not for this" He nodded as if he approves what Peter was about to do.

When Fenrir said that Scott instantly looked at Fenrir in disbelief.

Fenrir: " Mercy isn't always right in the supernatural world. No, not in any world, mercy can't solve everything. If she killed your mother because she was a werewolf what would you do Scott?" When Fenrir said that Scott paled. His tongue-tied. " I'm not telling you to become a killer, but sometimes you have to make hard choices, you should learn that. I had a lover once you know Scott, she was beautiful, kind-hearted and sweet, till one day, some hunters found our house. I of course took care of them by knocking them out and telling them to never come again. We then went to stay at another place, but when i came from shopping one day, the same people I knocked out that day killed my lover. So I slaughtered them, shred them to pieces, while I cried until I couldn't cry anymore." He said making up a completely b.s story and controlling his heart so they won't hear him lie. Scott, Derek, and also Peter who listened to the story, and his heart rate were surprised. Scott then nodded in understanding a little.

Peter: " Good, you understand. My condolences." He said actually feeling sorry for Fenrir. While Fenrir just nodded.

Peter: " Now Kate, I will give you one last chance, apologize for killing my family, and I will let Allison live."

Kate: " I...I'm...I'm sorry" When she said that Peter took a deep breath and slashed her throat.

Peter: " Phew...I don't know about you Chris...but that apology didn't sound very sincere." He said while walking towards Chris but was stopped by Fenrir.

Fenrir: " Stop, you said it yourself, you were only after the guilty ones, and he isn't guilty, he never knew about Kate doing it until today."

Peter: " Doesn't matter, she killed my family, now I have to kill hers" He said while running towards Chris. However before he could make it, Fenrir just pushed him into the air with one hand.

Fenrir: " Don't make me kill you"

Peter: " I'd like to see you try." He said charging again but this time straight at Fenrir.

Fenrir saw Peter's claw coming straight for his head, but he just caught his hand and crushed it without any effort. Peter winced in pain before slashing with his other hand at Fenrir's stomach. Fenrir caught his hand easily again and threw him by his arm into a tree. Peter slowly got up but transformed while he got up. After five or so seconds, Peter was completely transformed into his werewolf form. He charged again at Fenrir hoping he would throw off his balance. He ran towards Fenrir aiming at his legs with his claws but Fenrir just kicked the claw away sending Peter tumbling a bit. Peter was enraged that he was being beaten effortlessly so he charged without any other thoughts in his head while slashing towards Fenrir's neck. Fenrir already bored of this grabbed his broken arm and broke it again while he grabbed his other arm and broke that as well. He then kicked Peter's legs making him fall and stomped on them, making him cry out in pain.

Fenrir: " Derek, take his power before he heals" Derek was surprised he would let him do that so he just nodded and went towards Peter.

Scott: " Wait...you said, that I'm supposed to kill the one who bit me if i want to turn back to normal right? What am I supposed to do? Her dad isn't going to let me be with Allison if I'm a werewolf."

Fenrir: " It doesn't work Scott. I know it 100%." After he said that Scott looked down a bit in disappointment before nodding. Derek then slashed Peter's throat killing him and becoming an Alpha.

Derek: " I'm the Alpha now"