Purge the Blight

A furry tail flicked toward the grey scales. Typhoon Draconian rose above the ground without moving but floating in the air dislocated by his opponent's movement. If one didn't know better, one could say he was lighter than dandelion fluff.

A pair of wings opened, no sound made as if they were air themselves. The Wind Dragon flew away gracefully as feathered wings pursued him. Every impossible twist and turn the first one made, the second one followed. 

Zeir Druvan was hot on his tail, and nothing could get in his way. Only the Golden Dragon could equal the Wind Dragon's speed and maneuverability. But it appeared that Zeir could as well.

A strong rush of wind blew in from above. The War Wolf Dragon dismissed it at first since it might have been an effort to distract him from his prey. But, at the last second, he rolled in the air, soaring on his back, ready for whatever was coming at him.