About ex

"He is still my son and ... I want to meet him before we get married. I will give something valuable to him in the future," said Mark then lowered Maura from his lap.

Maura moved to sit on the chair across from the desk and looked at Mark with a probing look then asked, "What are you going to give him?"

"Assets," Mark snapped, then took a deep breath. "I have to make sure that his future will remain bright even though he grew up with Adriana's mediocre money. I will give wealth to him, so that when he grows up, he will become a rich man, has everything, but..."

"But what?" Maura asked.

"Don't tell my mom about this, because she's never accepted Evan as a grandson," Mark replied angrily.

Maura nodded her head. "That's not a problem for me. the most important thing after we get married, you have to prioritize me and our baby-to-be over him or Adriana. Or she will feel you still love her," she cried still selfishly.