Kissing in the shop

At eight in the morning, Adriana left for the shop with Evan. For some reason, her son wanted to come with her today, maybe because he was bored at home with only his grandmother.

The woman wore black jeans combined with a white shirt and let her hair flow beautifully while the son wore blue shorts combined with a black shirt. She walked slowly while guiding the child because his steps were still very small and so as not to run into the middle of the road.

This time, Adriana walked with a smile on her face when she remembered the sacred event of Zach's declaration of love. The young unmarried looked like a teenager who was intoxicated with romance. The memory made the morning feel beautiful because the heart was blooming after several months of enduring the heartache when she was still Mark's wife.


Someone stopped his motorbike near Evan and Adriana.

"Bryan," said Adriana to the motorcyclist who turned out to be her employee.