
Arriving at the apartment area, Maxime immediately invited Adriana and Evan to enter the main door of the skyscraper, which was not so tall with the dominant brownish white color. he was still holding Evan who was sleeping while carrying Adriana's black backpack, while Adriana walked behind him a bit limping using her elbow crutches.

"What floor do you live on?" asked Adriana as she walked while gazing at the atmosphere of the corridor which seemed deserted, with monochrome nuances and did not look luxurious.

"Number seven," Maxime answered and entered the elevator.

Adriana immediately entered the elevator, then remained silent after Maxime pressed the button to the seventh floor. occasionally she glanced at the man beside her who was already carrying a backpack on his back, still having to carry her son in front.

"I bothered you so much," she said.