The Tale Of The Dragons!

I was searching for the Variaries clan base. That's where we were headed to.

Last month, we were in the town in search of strong warriors. That's when we found Lily. Who knew that we would come back here? Master Polwern was an old and weak-looking man. He had small eyes and always smiled as if he didn't care of the threat the world had to face.

He looked like a learned man and I would appreciate his advice in this confusing situation. Lily guided us through the town. The market area was packed with people. We made our way to the usual narrow path. Going through it, I remembered the first time I had been here.

Xavier parked the warship somewhere safe. We then stood in front of two huge wooden doors, the entrance. Lily knocked and a girl enquired, "Who?" Lily replied, "Hail Variaries!" She said, kind of like their password. "I am Lily and I have the DELTAs with me."

Almost immediately, the doors flung open and a wide-smiling girl appeared in front. She gave Lily a hug and I thought that she would get a whack. Lily wasn't a friendly girl. She liked to be an annoying, mean girl. But she didn't even shout. Maybe that special treatment is only for boys.

Lily smiled and entered. More students came running. Their faces showed how happy they were to have their senior and strongest warrior return. The others too reached with Master Polwern in the end. He slowly made his way to Lily with his weak stick.

Lily quickly hugged the Master. He patted her back and gestured everyone to get inside. We were soon inside the room of Master Polwern. Students were so eager to hear the conversation that they had over flooded the whole room and some even stood outside, straining to listen. Getting hundreds of students in a small room wasn't easy and I barely had a place to move.

We discussed about the journey so far. The students kept getting amazed as the story carried on. We stated Amanda and Mark to be the newest members of the DELTA for which they really seemed thankful. Then we finally came to the real point. "Master, you used to tell me stories when I was small. One of those was the tale of the dragons. I don't quite remember it but I know it has something to do with our next move in the mission." Lily stated.

Mater Polwern nodded. "I know exactly what you are talking about. You want to hear the story again? Well, listen up everyone." We were all ears for the story.

The Master began, "This is the Tale of the Dragons! Long before this planet came to existence, God Ison had created two dragons for helping him. The dragons were named Drakolleus and Colloseus. Drakolleus, the fire-breathing dragon was the dragon of destruction. Colloseus was a dragon due to whom nature could flourish. The two brother dragons were skilled in warfare."

He continued, "Along with Lord Ison, Drakolleus and Colloseus created a land, where we stand, Darknor. The two dragons created Darknorians and everything began."

Master Polwern announced, "It is said that Drakolleus and Colloseus still exist in the world. Drakolleus lives in the deep Hydra caves, the lava domain. Colloseus can be found in the wild, near the Great Waterfall." I remembered the Great Waterfall my father used to talk about. It was in the east. The Great Waterfall was a famous place filled with nature. It was near Trouflet town and I used to go there often when I was a kid. Little did I know that there was a dragon living there!

"Thank you for everything, Master." Xavier declared. "Raptor is trying to capture Drakolleus. We need to get both the dragons in order to win." It seemed to be an impossible task and none of us was up for it. "Raptor is already there. How are we supposed to get the dragon on our side?" Amanda enquired. No one had a satisfying answer.

"Here's the plan. Oliver, I and Amanda will go to the Great Waterfall and meet Colloseus. Lily, team up with Xavier and Mark to find Drakolleus. We will meet each other once we have the dragons on our side." I discussed the plans. No one had a better one so Lily nodded. The teams were made and we got up. Master Polwern said, "Good luck, all of you. May the DELTAs win." Then he looked at Lily. "And Lily, come back after this threat is all over. I need you by my side, child." He looked emotional and Lily grabbed his hand and nodded.

We walked out of the clan. Xavier led us to the warship. He, Lily and Mark took their seat and waved us goodbye. "Take care." I said and Xavier took it as his responsibility and nodded. They soon flew off. That left the three of us. Oliver sighed, "Ok, all set? Let's go get some dragons!"