The Colloseus Trials!

The first thing that came to my mind was: I didn't die!!

The landing was harsh though. I expected that considering the height from which we fell. But in my mind, I had made sure that there wasn't going be a pit down. But there was.

Before the harsh water flow could send us flying, we were thrown below where I found the dark pit. I had no strength to swim down but the water seemed to do the job. It worked towards pushing me and I entered the rumored pit. Colloseus was merciful because I had another hard landing while entering.

I was too weak to even open my eyes and went unconscious. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a dark area. I had to touch around to see if there were walls around me or a path. Above me, water continuously flowed on my head. I looked up and figured that I had entered the pit from that area.

It took me some time to get adjusted to the situation and remember why we were here in the first place. Like a blind man, I threw my hands here and there, trying to feel if anything was around. I found that there was a path in front of me and I walked blindly. There was some light, just enough to make me walk and hit the wall.

"Welcome!" An announcement was made. I jumped in fright from the voice. It was a very manly and large voice, almost like a monster was screaming on a microphone. I figured it was the dragon, Colloseus speaking from one of his bedrooms. "I'll be the first one to accept. No one yet has succeeded to enter my kingdom. But you three did. Congratulations." The dragon stated. He was speaking to Oliver and Amanda along with me. It was a good sign that I wasn't alone. I just needed to find the other two who were probably lost in this maze too.

"This is my kingdom. You need to find your way through this maze and meet me. Prove me your worth and maybe we shall talk of whatever you three have come here for. I call this the Colloseus Trials!" The dragon claimed. I was already getting mad at this stupid creature.

Fine, he was strong and stuff. But his attitude wasn't appreciated by me. We should have already proved our worth by getting into this kingdom which no one has ever entered. This dragon wanted to play games now too. Mazes weren't my favorite and after the journey in the Temple of Past, I had made a mental note to avoid mazes. But of course, dragons become agitated when I make mental notes.

I tried to walk, though my legs felt weak. I was dragging myself ahead. The darkness was really irritating. I couldn't even see the paths in front of me. Traps were the only things left in this kingdom to make my life even more miserable. Luckily, I didn't find any.

I had already lost hope, wandering around in the endless maze for about an hour when I heard a noise. It was coming from the left through the wall. I brought my ears to the wall and tried to hear anymore sound. I heard it again. Someone was walking!

"Hello!" I cried, hoping someone would answer. Amanda voice replied, "Blaze, is it you?! God Ison!!! I have been trying to find a way out of this idiotic area from so long." Her voice showed fear and I tried to console her.

"Don't worry. Let's meet up. Try to move forward and turn right. I'll try moving left. We may end up finding each other." I suggested and she agreed. The wall conversation was barely possible but we made a plan.

I started moving forward with more hope now. Of course, it wasn't that easy to find each other. I would always land up with a dead end whenever I tried going left. Even if I made progress towards the left, there was no sign of Amanda. I could hear her often and tried to guide her but the maze was too dizzying.

After about half an hour or so, I entered another room of the maze. At first I thought that it was another one of those dead ends. But then I watched that there was a way on the other side too. Amanda appeared there and I was delighted to see her. But just when I tried to go towards her side, the Skrops blocked me.