What has Czymen Werenski found?

Without his outright acts of lunacy, the calculative, calm Czymen Werenski was even scarier.

He still drove the car around the street.

He just turned off the horn.

Some things were just coincidences.

For example, Czymen drove the car and hit a clearly different piece of land.

The ground made of asphalt should not be loose.

But this piece of land was loose.

If it was loose, so be it!

Just drive through it.

Czymen Werenski was a novelist.

His brain was different from ordinary people.

He liked to find out why.

So, he got out of the car.

It was not a sewer.

It looked like that piece of road land was not the same as other places.

It felt like a seesaw when the car drove past.

Perhaps part of the ground had degraded over time.

In his mind, if one stepped on it, a large amount of water would gush out.

The curious old Chai walked over.