Secret Rescue!

With China's resources, paying for 13's rehabilitation was a cinch.

If 13 recovered, his abilities could earn the rabbit country tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.

Indeed, 13 had this ability.

Previously, he had hit a roadblock.

But now, his attention was completely undivided upon Raymond's inventions.

He was eager to study it.

However, if China opened talks with Italy for his return, it would take at least half a year.

Half a year was already an optimistic figure.

If the talks didn't go well, he could very well be stuck here for the next year.

Even if China paid hundreds of millions of dollars in rehabilitation fees to Italy every year, Italy would hold on to him, knowing just how much he meant to them.

Perhaps it had already begun.

However, 13 did not want to wait any longer.

After thinking about it, he thought of a person.

A person who could quickly get him out of here.