I saw the message left on the Trident!

What do people in high positions think about?

For the country and the people!

He was uncertain if it was always for the people. At the very least, he valued his country very much.

As the Secretary of Defense, he needed to pay attention to many things every day, but by being at the top, only the most important matters reached his ears.

Naturally, most of his attention went to the national defense issue.

Previously, the high-class information on Trident 16 had been for the United States.

He was very clear that if a person only had a small ability, he might become dependent on the country for the country.

If a person had the ability to fight against the world, he might want to become enemies with the world.

Raymond was a person with great power.

He just did not know the full extent of his reality.

If he did, he would quietly develop his strength and seek other things.