A Gundam's First Steps!

Riven had no intention of messing around at that moment.

Other than asking about Tuesday when she didn't understand something, the rest of the time was spent frantically thinking and controlling.

Her server fan seemed to be about to take off, causing people to worry that her server would directly ignite in the next second.

However, she kept it under control.

The server allowed her thoughts to run quickly, but it also allowed her to stabilize within a relatively safe threshold.

"Oh my, this Riven is pretty smart, she actually knows how to add a hard drive to herself..."

"This Riven is really smart!"

"Do you guys think that Tuesday also upgraded his own hardware?"

"That's for sure! Everyone loves plug-ins, artificial intelligences definitely know how to do it too!"

"If it were me, I would directly use liquid nitrogen cooling! Only then would I be able to use all my computing power!"