The Consortium's Embarrassment

It had been 10 hours since they obtained the blueprint of the nano-neutrino battery.

As the pillar of the Childe Consortium, Rudd had been waiting outside the laboratory.

The laboratory had been studying the blueprint of the battery for several days.

They had been well-funded.

Even with all that backing, the laboratory still needed a long time to verify the complete blueprint of the nano-neutrino battery.

After all, the scientists in the laboratory were on a completely different level from Raymond.

But fortunately, they had already completed the verification.

"Mr. Rudd, according to our verification, this blueprint is real!"

"Really? That's great!"

Rudolph was very excited.

He knew that the Archibald family would not dare put up a fake blueprint.

However, he still needed to verify it just in case.

Fortunately, the Archibald family's blueprint had turned out to be real.