The Core Purpose Of The Morgan Group

"I want a laboratory of my own!"

77 simply repeated herself.

Only then was Shepherd certain that 77 had just made such a request.

However, such a decision was out of his hands.

He could only stare blankly.

McLean quickly followed up.

"There are plenty of laboratories. The key is that you're researching biotechnology. That will have to wait. After all, we study aerospace here!"


Shepherd and McLean could not understand what 77 was trying to do.

But they could roughly deduce that it had to be related to the alien's biotechnology.

However, NASA did not harbor anything alien. was she researching it out of thin air?

After all, biotechnology and physical technology were different.

She had to be involved in shadier matters.

Although they could not understand it, they did not ask.

After all, 77 had already broken through her usual self by being able to speak so much.

