Research Direction: Weapons!

Tuesday had always been very clear that Raymond paid attention to time.

Although he didn't know the reason, he still followed Raymond's rule.

At that moment, if he waited for Hobson and the others to talk, he would fall behind schedule.

Therefore, he directly took over the projector in the meeting room.

Tuesday had never shown his face before.

However, his voice was known to the world.

"Is there any reason for so much speculating?"

Tuesday spoke on his own.

A human silhouette appeared on the projector.

This shadow was slightly different from what he had once shown Raymond.

His understanding of himself had increased by quite a bit.

"You... You're Tuesday?"

The white-haired woman questioned.

"Yes! Don't worry about it. It's the other forces that will soon struggle. There isn't a single force on this planet that can completely control the communications of the ten great consortiums, except for me!"