Sneak Attack Squad

As the Secretary of Defense, Edward Sidle was very concerned about the power of the weapon.

Previously, when Raymond tested the alien weapon, he had already taken a liking to the power of the weapon.

However, there were only a few alien weapons. It was impossible to equip all of them...

He thought that this was an impossible dream, but Raymond gave him hope.

"If every soldier in our army is armed with such weapons, is there any place in the world that our American soldiers can't go?"

"Unfortunately, Raymond's getting too powerful for his own sake!"

Edward drank a mouthful of coke and looked at the sea outside the window. He felt powerless.

He knew what Tuesday had done.

Therefore, many thoughts would never appear in his mind.

The only thing he could do now was to communicate with Raymond.

Then, he would ask Raymond to give him some technology.

However, this matter would probably not happen for another two months.