The Soul

[Bravo, Thunder God!]

[I thought something as major as installing a consciousness into a body would take much longer, but that was really quick!]

Half and hour until sunrise.

[Does he even sleep? He doesn't even look tired!]

[In my opinion, Gadot should watch his circadian rhythm like how she watching his diet.]

[Forget it, I'm not going to work today, I'm going to celebrate Riven's new life!]

[Today is another day that will go down in history!]

[Don't get too ahead of ourselves. She hasn't woken up yet, we best wait!]

[Are you still doubting his technology? Riven's consciousness transfer is 100% successful!]

[Hey, do you guys think Riven will still be Riven? Will Nelson's speech apply to artificial intelligence?]

[... ...]

At that moment, people were asking questions in Jelly Media's live broadcast room.

The crux of the question was if Riven was still the Riven from before.

Nelson began to ponder.