Chapter 55: Nojima Yuki's decision

Soon, under the watchful eyes of all the researchers, the Super Tyrannosaurus Blake picked up the huge container.

Then, he poured all the uranium ore crystals into his mouth.

After chewing for a few times, he was already late.

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for swallowing a large amount of uranium ore crystals, evolution level increased by 0.1% ! ]

[ Ding! Current progress of the King of Monsters Template Unlocked: 17.65% (when the unlock level reaches 20% , a minor evolution will temporarily unlocking the king of monsters form)]

Listening to the voice of the system.

Blake could not help but feel delighted. In just a short while, his evolution level had increased by 0.1% !

This thing was still awesome.

After eating these uranium crystals, Blake put them back easily.

Then, he returned to his own valley and continued to sleep.