Chapter 73: Blake Standing Up for His Underlinings

The next day, early in the morning.

Returning to the center of the Prehistoric Valley Base, Will Quake also began to record the explorer's log.

"Explorer No. 3's log. Based on the tracking of Blake over the past half a month, we have preliminarily confirmed that the current Blake is still in his growth stage

"Moreover, Blake has the power to absorb the heat energy of the volcano."

"After absorbing the heat energy of the volcano, Blake grew again."

"This time, many dorsal fins grew on Blake's back."

"From time to time, blue flashes burst out from his back. The specific ability is unknown."


After ending the record of explorer No. 3, Will Quake could no longer bear the fatigue and went to rest.

Time flew by and another month passed.

In this period of time.

Blake kept on taming all kinds of dinosaurs.

He even tamed an even more powerful creature, the prehistoric giant crocodile!