Chapter 77: Supplies and A Physicist

Early in the morning on this day, Blake had just woken up when he saw Carol Garcia walking over.

She must have something to tell him. Could it be that someone from a certain country was going to send him weapons again?

Just as he was thinking, Carol Garcia had already arrived in front of him.

Even though she had been with Blake for almost half a year, Carol Garcia still felt shocked when she saw Blake up close.

"Blake, the next time the folded space can be accessed is in three days, and it's located at the edge of the Pterosaur Canyon."

"This time, the higher-ups have already approved sending 600 kilograms of 95% purity uranium 235 to here!"

"Moreover, they are still working overtime to purify the uranium. After three days, we will head directly to the wind god Pterosaurs Canyon."

Carol Garcia told him the information that she had just received in the morning.

"What? !"

Blake's eyes widened immediately.

What the heck!