Chapter 81: Blake’s New Skills

In prehistoric times.

Galgado had also created many strange devices.

Carol Garcia and the others didn't understand what these devices were.

In comparison, it was more interesting to study Tyrannosaurus Blake.

In the next second.

Carol Garcia and the others looked at the wind god Pterosaur Valley, located 100 kilometers away.

Wind god Pterosaur Valley.

The Super Tyrannosaurus Blake had already swallowed 600 kilograms of uranium 235.

The energy in his body was also increasing.

[ Ding! Extreme radiation detected! Beginning absorption... ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 3% evolution points. ]

[ Ding! Monster King template, 26% ! ]

And this was only the beginning!

Blake could sense uranium being continuously absorbed in his stomach.

Then, they were converted into energy and evolution points!

[ Ding! Extremely strong radiation energy detected! Beginning absorption... ]