Chapter 96: Welcome to Behemoth Island!

Two weeks later.


A week ago, Blake had also received the news from Will Quake that the folded space would open in a week's time.

It instantly surprised Blake.

The passage between the prehistoric and the future! He had to bring his underlings to play with it.

Moreover, he heard that the folded space might not be able to be closed.

If that was the case, didn't he want to be in prehistoric times, in prehistoric times, in the future, in the future?

"The location of the folded space has been determined!"

Galgado came to Will Quake's side and said quickly.

"Where is it?" Will Quake asked quickly.

"It's in the pterosaur valley of the Wind God. What a coincidence!"

Galgado replied.

Will Quake was slightly stunned when he heard that. It was indeed a coincidence.

Then, he brought all the researchers and began to wait.