Xin Luo City

After a night of lovemaking, Fike and Zhao Ruoxian finally fell asleep.

When the sun shone into the room, the two of them still lay in bed for a long time, unwilling to wake up.

Fike, in particular, hugged Zhao Ruoxian tightly, as the time left for him was decreasing.

At this moment, he actually hoped to stay in this world a little longer.

He didn't want to leave this place so early.

But time still passed by.

Finally, Fike was woken up by Zhao Ruoxian's soft voice.

Fike opened his eyes. It was already early morning.

The bright sunlight shone through the glass window in their room.

Today, they were going to Xin Luo city, leaving Doma where they had stayed overnight.

After freshening up quickly Fike put on his clothes and walked out of the house, holding Zhao Ruoxian's hand.

Doma town was still lively in the early morning.

The residents who sold vegetables and the conversing people made the town look lively.