Wild Beast Released from Prison

"Congratulations, you'll be released from prison now."

In the Chicago prison, the prison warden was respectfully standing in front of a door.

He softly informed the young man in the cell.

If other people in the prison saw the infamous Chicago prison warden was so respectful toward a young man, they would be so scared that their jaws would drop.

Hearing the warden's words, the short-haired young man opened his eyes and came back to reality from his meditation.

The young man's cell was strange.

It was a luxurious single room.

Everything had its place.

It was as if he was in a hotel.

In prison, only the leader of a gang could live in such a room.

However, the man looked too young.

He obviously, he did not fit the identity.

Lott walked up to the warden.

He did not look directly at the warden.

It was a signal to lead the way.

The warden bowed slightly in fear and turned to lead the way.


The kid was famous for being terrifying in the prison.

Five years ago, he came to Chicago prison.

Lott was originally a minor character that no one paid attention to, but that suddenly changed one day.

No matter who opposed him, they would die a mysterious death the next day.

No matter who it was, they could not escape.

There was once a prison guard who was unhappy with Lott and had provoked him.

The next day, he was found dead in the toilet.

The final result of the investigation was that the prison guard had accidentally been electrocuted.

What was even more mysterious was Lott's terrifying modus operandi. There was no presence, no fingerprints, and no clues left behind.

Even if everyone knew it was Lott, there was no evidence to prove it was him.

The rumors became more and more exaggerated.

Some said he was the voice of God.

From then on, Lott became a supernatural presence in the Chicago prison.

All gangs were ordered not to provoke Lott.

The warden even came to pay his respects.

All he wanted was for Lott not to kill anyone.

The warden even arranged a separate room for him.

Lott was given the best treatment in the prison.

He did not lack anything.

However, he did not want anything either.

Lott meditated in his room every day, thinking about life.

Until five years later.


It was the day he was released from prison.


The release procedure was very complicated.

However, it was smooth because it was Lott.

Everyone in the prison knew about Lott's release from prison.

All gangs stopped fighting.

They consciously stood at the door of their cells, watching Lott preparing to leave the prison.

Soon, Lott carried a gray backpack and stood outside the prison's high walls.

The backpack contained all that he had.

He breathed in the fresh air.

He looked at the newly born sunlight.

It felt good to be free.

Then, many images flashed past his mind.

"It's been five years."

Lott pursed his lips, his expression calm. However, the veins on his arms were twitching, revealing the desires deep within his heart.

He had been an orphan since he was young and he had grown up with his girlfriend, Yisha. Their had a good relationship.

Five years ago, Lott had graduated from college and got a job in a company.

Slowly but steadily, with his brilliant mind, he successfully got a promotion and a raise.

He also paid off all the loans he had taken from college.

His girlfriend, Yisha, was a teacher at a school in Chicago.

Yisha often sat on the sofa, thinking about the future that she and Lott would share together.

She and Lott would buy a big house and would have many children.

Lott and Yisha would look at each other lovingly.

From nothing, they had worked hard until today to have obtained all that they desire.

To Lott, Yisha was his life.

Yisha was his sun, his direction in life.

Lott was also working hard for their future.

Just as their lives were about to turn for the better, a tragedy appeared.


The scene from five years ago flashed before his eyes like a slideshow.

In front of the prison wall, Lott's breathing became rapid, his expression ferocious and terrifying.

"The once clean asphalt road.

"Yisha who laughed and held my hand.

"The temperature that was as hot as it is now."

The red sports car roared like a wild beast!

Lott felt his body being pushed away!

Blood splattered before his eyes.

Following the sound of ringing in his ears, everything around him seemed to have disappeared.

The screams around him, the sounds of panic exploding...

Then, there was a loud crash!


Lott's face contorted and his body trembled.

This was the nightmare he had been having for the past five years.

At the critical moment, he was pushed away by his girlfriend, Yisha.

Eventually, Yisha was hit by a speeding sports car.

The one who hit Yisha was the heir of the Chicago Financial Group, Ian!

It was like a terrible, desperate cycle.

Lott had never experienced such helplessness and dejection before.

They were ready to build a new family.

They were clearly preparing to start a new chapter in their lives.


That was then when Lott realized.

Everything that he and Yisha possessed was so fragile!


"Mr. Lott, we sympathize with your plight.

"But I'll be frank. You can't resist them.

"The one who hit your girlfriend is the heir of the Chicago Financial Group, Ian. If you're not willing to sign the settlement, he has plenty of ways to escape from punishment!

"How long can you treat Miss Yisha with your own savings?

"Mr. Lott, please sign this settlement.

"You don't have a second choice.

"You have no other choice. This is your fate."


In front of the prison, Lott growled.

He was determined to sign a settlement with Ian no matter what!

He wanted Ian to pay the price!

He desperately wanted justice.

However, how could his personal strength compete with a large corporation?

As his company was funded by the Chicago Corporation, he had to quit his job.

Even if he went to court, he would be denied indefinitely.

Asking the police for help?

The police department had received a new batch of Humvee sponsorship.

Needless to say, it was from the Chicago Corporation as these two parties were closely linked.

They became a community of interests in the criminal City of Chicago.

There were countless tragedies and Lott was naturally one of them.

Lott sold all of his valuables to procure funds for Yisha's medical treatment.

With little money left, he used the rest to seek help.

Whether it was calling for help via the Internet or from the public, the end result was the same - everything was suppressed.

At this time, a mysterious person said he could help Lott.

Lott grabbed the last straw like a desperate man.

He believed the other party.

However, Lott did not expect that this was a trap set by the Chicago Corporation.

The mysterious person asked Lott to meet in a subsidiary company of the Chicago Corporation.

When he arrived, numerous police officers had surrounded Lott.

Finally, Lott was arrested for "violating trade secrets".

He was sentenced to "five years" in prison!