They've Arrived


James found it difficult to understand. Could it be that his explanation was not clear enough? It was impossible that someone could manipulate these factors.

"Mr. Howard, I'm sorry about Miss Ica..."

James comforted him. He knew that many people refused to accept this fact after losing their loved ones.

"Please take a look at this."

Howard took out a broken pencil from his pocket and placed it in front of James.

"This pencil was found at the place where the Young Miss died. The same pencil was found at the place where Young Master Ian had the accident."

Howard paused and looked at James with a sharp gaze.

"This is no longer a coincidence. Someone did this on purpose."

Howard's face did not reveal much emotion. He was only narrating a confirmed fact.

As Howard finished his sentence, James scratched his head.

If it was an ordinary person, James would definitely think that the other party was spouting nonsense.

What could these pencils mean?

However, the other party was the representative of the Ian Family.

No matter how absurd it was, James had to take it seriously.

"Then, you mean...?"

James had to ask.

"The police need to investigate all suspicious people."

Howard said calmly.

"All suspicious people..."

James looked at the other party with a complicated expression.

The rise of the Ian Family had caused a lot of crimes. If they investigated them one by one, the amount of manpower and resources required could cost a bomb.

It seemed that they were determined to find the culprit.


Chicago Coma Care Center.

Lott came here to complete the discharge paperwork. He was going to take Yisha to another place today.

In Lott's plan, Yisha was his only weakness. He had to move her to a safe place first.

It was not that Lott did not use his search ability to find ways to treat her. It was just that every time the results popped up, it was either medical terms or professional technology that he did not understand.

None of these were things Lott could do now.

Lott quickly finished the procedures and bid goodbye to the carer before taking Yisha in a taxi.

At this moment, Lott felt a sense of relief. He brushed his hand gently across Yisha's face. He leaned her face against his shoulder.

It was just like many years ago.

"If only it was just a dream..."

Lott could not calm down for a long time.

Everything would be fine.

Lott held Yisha's cold hands and said in a low voice.

After getting out of the car, Lott pushed the wheelchair and arranged for Yisha to enter a nursing home.

Through the search route, Lott had confirmed that there were no problems with this place.

After paying the full amount of money for a year, he left.

Lott still had a lot of things to do at the moment and he could not be by Yisha's side for long.



It was a top-tier metropolis. Every night, the lights were brightly lit and every night, people were having fun.


"I heard that this matter is very complicated. What exactly is the situation now?"

In the corridor of the Chicago police station, there was a gathering place for smokers. The young detective took out a cigarette and handed it to James, who was in his thirties and had a stubble on his face.

As the person-in-charge of the case, Agent James definitely knew the most about the current situation.

"The matter is very complicated now. I don't know what's going on either."

Agent James lit up his cigarette, inhaled deeply, and then exhaled a long puff of smoke. It was as if he had accumulated a lot of pressure.

A straight line of smoke instantly filled the corridor.

James was silent but said after a pause.

"At first, we thought it was an accident but as the investigation went deeper, we found that the entire incident was full of coincidences."

Perhaps it was because what James was about to say next was unbelievable but the middle-aged detective's expression became more serious. Brian, who was beside him, could see the surprise and doubt in James' heart.

After a pause, James took a puff of his cigarette as if he was becoming bolder.

"That's right. We found out when the accident happened, there was no cleaning task for the top floor today."

James spat out white smoke and lowered his voice as he continued.

"Later, we learned that before Miss Ica was killed, the head of the Chicago Corporation Logistics Company received a call from Miss Ica's assistant asking them to clean the outer wall of the top floor of the company."


In the corridor.

James did not want to say anything more.

This was too strange.

From the beginning, their investigation team had categorized this incident as an accident.

Whether it was the statements from the workers who had carried out the high-altitude cleaning or the inquiries of the various management personnel, all these factors had added up and could not be more obvious.


When Howard insisted that it was man-made, they had conducted another investigation of the entire building.

Something was wrong and it gradually emerged.

For example, just as the machine was loaded, there was a gust of wind.

Why did Miss Ica stop in front of the car?

Even though these incidents were not right, these so-called clues were useless!

Unless the policed were convinced that there was magic in this world, otherwise, they would not be able to use this as evidence to arrest anyone.


"I still have work to do on my end. You may continue smoking."

James finished his last puff. Seeing that the cigarette was extinguished, he said his goodbye.

James waved his hand and walked out of the stairwell.

Behind him, Brian looked at James' figure with a complicated expression. He had a guess in his heart. However, he did not dare to remind him. He thought he had a feeling.

If James knew about this, then he might not be able to come back.

The complexity of this matter was far beyond what ordinary people like them could participate in.

Brian did not want to get involved. He fiercely extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Brian had made up his mind.



Lott closed the door of the rented house behind him.

Today, he found that the hooligans on the road seemed to be looking for something.

The usual noise of drinking and boasting was gone.

What replaced it was the sound of knocking on the door and the sound of questioning.

When Lott came back, he first became alert and realized that something was wrong. He relied on the system to hide. He was not afraid of them though.

With his current strength, it was easy to get rid of these hollowed-out hoodlums.

However, Lott was not ready to act unless he knew what they were up to. Of course, he knew who had sent these people.

In the early years, the competition on this land was fierce. There were even scenes of people killing in the street.

Only with the help of the government over the years, some order was restored.

However, this darkness was deeply rooted and it was the uncrowned King of Chicago.

Although the Chicago gangs had been cleaned up, the east side gangster, Heim, still had a deep connection with Old Ian.
