The Wolf Pretends to be A Rabbit

Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, Lott's eyes did not waver.

Since Elanth became a hunter, he had to be aware that he could also be a prey one day.

It was not that Lott had not given the other party a chance. It was just that Elanth's arrogance had brought this fate onto himself.

This was the first time Lott had tried to use this kind of power against others. It felt good.

For a moment, Lott indulged in the power to control the fate of others.

Deep in his heart, Lott did not forget his real intention - to use his power to save Yisha. This was his had promised himself.

Lott put back the sign of road closure at the intersection. Then, he turned and disappeared into the crowd at the intersection.

The smell of blood slowly filled the surroundings.

Soon, a few black shadows appeared in the alley. They saw the blood-covered Elanth and the splattered flesh at the scene.

These people could hardly help but spit out their breakfast. They took photos of the scene and quickly reported to their superiors.

"Report, the body of a suspected bounty hunter has been found at the scene. The suspect, Lott, is still on the run."

Black Shadow said to the communication device.

"Which bounty hunter was it? How did he die?"

Black Shadow's boss was a little surprised. Since the chase to capture Lott, this was the first time a bounty hunter had died.

"Sir Bieber, we don't know which hunter was it."

Black Shadow paused for a moment. "I've already sent you the picture of the scene."

"Are you pigs? This is..."

When Bieber received the picture from his subordinate, he could not help but hold his breath.

The corpse had been crushed so badly that his face could not be recognized.

Blood splattered everywhere like fireworks, spraying everywhere in the alley.

The blood-red marks made the entire environment extremely strange.

"This... This is... A bounty hunter?"

Bieber asked in puzzlement.

"How did he die so tragically?"

Black Shadow did not dare to be negligent and immediately replied, "The clothing of a bounty hunter will have a uniform logo and a hunter logo on the cuff.

"Although it's already a little difficult to see clearly, I can still vaguely make out who it is."

Black Shadow took a photo of the logo on the bounty hunter's sleeve and sent it over to Bieber.

"The initial finding is that the road roller at the intersection has crushed him to death. The driver has already run away. Do you need us to investigate this further?"

To be able to analyze these things immediately from the scene showed that Black Shadow was more than what met the eye. His courage and experience were top-class.

This group of people was also the intelligence personnel trained by the Ian Family. They were comparable to the elites of the Chicago police department.

"A bunch of useless trash, we can't even catch a single person!"

Bieber's voice filled the communication channel.

"A bunch of trash!"

As one of the leaders of the Ian Family, Bieber also had a deep connection with the underground world.

For example, the biggest gang leader in the north, the boss of the King of Hell, Francis, was an old friend of his.

These people were able to survive in all situation. They could not do without these black and white relations.

It was just that the police department could not provide much help now.

The police chief even revealed that a special team would soon take over the case.

"These police are really unreliable."

Bieber recalled the days when he was at the top. At that time, the Ian Family was glorious.

Now, they had to borrow the power of others!

To be honest, Bieber still did not understand why the organization had to be disbanded back then. Moreover, the members of his family were not allowed to use the underground way to settle things anymore.

Although Bieber complained, he still picked up his cell phone and dialed the number of Francis, the King of Hell.


In the police station.

James, Carly, and the Chief of the Chicago Police Department were standing at the entrance. It seemed like they were welcoming someone.

The chief felt a little uneasy. This time, it was not just anyone who they had to meet. It was an instructor who had trained them in the FBI.

The instructor could find a criminal in 10 seconds on countless surveillance cameras. The man was also a master of psychology as he could read other's minds.

It was amazing.

If the officers in the police department were the best of the ordinary people, then the ones whom they were about to meet were the best of the best.

No matter how complicated a case was, it would be solved in their hands.

In the past, it was known that if there was a case that no one could solve, then it must be done by this group of elites.

It was amazing that such a powerful character would take over Old Ian's family's case.

In the eyes of James and Carly, it was incredible. It was because this group of elites rarely interfere in other cases, especially since these two cases of Ian and Ica had been determined as accidents.

Why were this group of elites still so interested in these cases?

This was what everyone in the police department, including the criminal investigation experts, was puzzled about.

They soon came back to their senses as a black Ford commercial vehicle arrived at the police station entrance.

Three people wearing different uniforms slowly got out of the vehicle.

For a moment, the man's young appearance had surprised everyone present.

Was not this person a little too young?

Were the higher ups sure that this man was the powerful character that they were talking about?

Although everyone thought so in their hearts, they remained silent.

The director immediately went up to welcome him.

"Welcome to the Chicago Police Department!"

This man was akin to a god, so they had to greet him properly.

"Director, you're too polite. I'm a member of the FBI Special Task Force. Just call me Daniel."

Daniel slightly leaned over and introduced himself to the others.

"These are two interns from our department. I'll be leading them now."

After saying that, the two interns nodded as a form of greeting.

So, it was to bring the interns to see the world.

Many people were relieved.

As members who had tasked by various interest groups, there were naturally many others who did not seemed like they do.

This group of officers did not want these righteous people to be specially sent to investigate them.

Daniel saw the look of relief on these officers' faces. He did not say anything more.

Instead, Daniel wanted to understand more about the case that he was particularly interested in.

"Director, why don't you get two people to take me for a walk?"

This time, Daniel did not hesitate to voice his intent.

If Daniel could not find anything, it would be a huge loss for the director too. After all, the director was a shrewd person.

The director immediately understood what the other party meant.

"Okay, okay, no problem. James and Carly are agents in this case. Let them communicate with you more."

After saying that, the director patted James and Carly on the shoulders and said to Daniel.

"Then, I won't hold up your work."

Daniel said gently with a harmless look on his face.

The two interns around them could not help but frown when they saw Daniel like this.

They whispered, "The big bad wolf is pretending to be a little white rabbit here. The poor guy doesn't even know."