I'm Someone You Cannot Afford to Offend

It seemed that the two of them were almost done talking.

At this time, the maid walked in from outside the door.

"Dinner is ready. Would you like to eat?"

The sky outside had already turned dark.

"Mr. Lott, would you like to have dinner together?"

Lily used the honorific title at this time. It meant that she had already acknowledged the other party.

However, after a long time, there was no response.

At this time, Lott's expression had become a little gloomy and a little murderous.

What... What was going on...?

Lily did not seem to have said anything wrong and only invited the other party to dinner. Why was Lott's expression so terrifying?

Lily was a little terrified.

The man's angry look was a little terrifying.

Lott looked like a monster that was going to eat people.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lily, but we might have to postpone our dinner."

A voice mixed with anger sounded.

"Now, I'm going to kill someone."

The tone of Lott's voice was full of murderous intent!


It was late at night.

Many people had gotten off work and began to rest for the day.

It was different from the lively order during the day.

Night was the time for the mob to party.

It was the lifestyle of these greedy people.

The Chicago Welfare Institute was supposed to be a place full of laughter.

Currently, it was surrounded by a group of thugs. The place was surrounded by iron bars and a bonfire.

If it was not for the words "Welfare Institute" written outside, it would probably be considered some kind of gang meeting place.

There were music and beer. It even attracted a lot of other people to party here.

Only, while these people were enjoying themselves, many pairs of frightened eyes were looking at them.

The owners of these eyes were the children in the Welfare Institute.

They did not have much contact with society. They were looking at these people partying, drinking, and smoking marijuana.

Their eyes were filled with curiosity about the world. Curiosity led them to learn, to imitate...

At this time, Director Aisha consolidated her limited manpower to settle these children. At the same time, she had to take care of the elderly here.

The director also had to consider other chores. Finally, the old woman was down from exhaustion.

Although tired, the director did not give up on communicating with the outside world. However, she was always chased back by these people with sticks.

The order of the Welfare Institute was close to collapse.

Some sensible children touched Aisha's face with their small hands. They kissed her forehead. They knew that the director was very tired and should not disturb her. This was the only thing they could do for the director.

The barely conscious director saw a group of children surrounding her. She did not know where she got the strength to support her body.

Aisha could not give up yet for the sake of these children! Even if she had to take a beating, she had to try again.

With the help of the children, the director came to the door shakily.

"For God's sake, can you let the nurse in? The children haven't eaten for a long time."

The snacks had all been finished and the new supplies had not arrived yet.

"Don't let these children go hungry. Have mercy on them, I beg you!"

After saying that, Director Aisha dragged her exhausted body and knelt.

"Old woman, go to h*ll! What does the life and death of these little b*stards have to do with us?

"Or you can tell us where Lott is. I can consider giving some leaves for the children to smoke. Hahahahahahaha!"

A gang member said while smoking pot.

"Old woman, we've warned you several times. You're not obedient, are you?"

The gang member picked up a red-hot wooden stick from beside the bonfire and walked toward Director Aisha.

"I'll break your leg, old woman. Let's see if you can still come out!"

The surrounding crowd was obviously high from the smoke and immediately began to jeer.

"Go on! Kill that old woman!"

"I bet she won't be able to take two strokes!"

"I bet three strokes!"

"It's all because of Lott that I'm here to take in the cold wind and kill this old woman!"

When Director Aisha heard these people's words, she was so scared that she immediately burst into tears.

A few children stood in front of their respected Director Aisha. Their small bodies formed a wall, wanting to protect her.

"Little b*stard, you won't move, right? I'll fight you together later! I want to see how hard your bones are!"

The burning wooden stick was just a meter away.

Although there was fear in the eyes of these children, there was also a hint of stubbornness.

Although they were young, they had already learned to be grateful and strong.

They did not take a step back even though they knew that violence would happen to them.

"You're pretty tough, huh? Let's see how many hits you can take!"

The gangster raised his wooden stick high up and was about to hit the group of children protecting the director.

The director did not know where the strength came from, but she leaped forward and hugged the group of children. She wanted to use her body to block this hit.

With the director's age, if it hit her, it was very likely that her life would be in danger!

At this critical moment...


A gunshot suddenly sounded.

A bullet pierced through the wrist of the gang member.

The wooden stick fell to the ground.

"F*ck! Who! Who is it!"

The gang member covered his wound and asked in pain.

A figure appeared at the entrance of the Welfare Institute. He was holding the pistol and was standing in front of Director Aisha and the children.

Just by standing there, the gangster could feel that this person's killing intent and aura were obviously stronger than his.

The gang member immediately took two steps back. When he saw his men behind him, his courage immediately grew stronger.

"Who are you? How dare you provoke the King of Hell?"

The gang member said gloomily.

Anger rose in his heart. First, this old woman came out to dampen his mood and repeatedly went against them.

Then, this group of children had come out to stop them from doing their work?

It seemed that the King of Hell's words were useless. All the cats and dogs had come up to bully him?

"Who am I?"

Lott's eyes were filled with killing intent as he answered directly.

"I'm someone you cannot afford to offend."

When Lott answered, the entire place was in an uproar. Everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a madman.

At this moment, Director Aisha, who was kneeling on the ground, finally recognized who it was through his voice. It was Lott! She quietly pulled Lott's pants and tried her best to lower her voice to remind him.

"Go quickly! They came to look for you when they were here! You don't have to care about the Welfare Institute anymore! Run!"

Director Aisha was so anxious that tears were falling. These people obviously did not come with good intentions. Something would definitely happen to Lott.

The director had watched every child who came out of the Welfare Institute grow up. How could nothing happen to Lott now that he had come alone?!

When the children next to the director saw that the director crying, they could no longer suppress their feelings and tears started to fall.


The gang members were so angry that they started laughing.

"I cannot afford to offend? Is there anyone in Chicago that I cannot afford to offend?

"I'll make sure that you won't be able to walk out of this gate just because of what you said today."

The gang member laughed as he pointed at Lott and enunciated each word.