The Wrath of the Ian Family

Chicago Welfare Institute.

Lott was there, washing the blood off Liwell and realigned his bones. He also cleaned the wound and bandaged it.

After doing all this, Lott let out a sigh of relief.

In the system, the higher the rank, the more difficult it was to subdue a subordinate.

Lott was lucky to be able to subdue him so easily.

At this time, Lott had a few words with Director Aisha.

After settling the children down, Lott took Liwell out.

This time, taking Liwell along with him was not to ask for his help but to teach him a few real things.


Not long after Lott had left the Welfare Institute, a police car whizzed over.

A hand pulled the black car door open.

A figure got out of the car.


Daniel covered his nose with his hand.

The intense smell of blood rushed into his nostrils. It made it difficult for him to breathe.

However, that was not the most disgusting part.

There were still countless pieces of broken limbs lying quietly in the frozen blood.

Dozens of bodies appeared at the intersection of Chicago.

There were even rats eating the broken bodies.

Daniel frowned.

This scene was not ordinary. It was worth to be labeled as a big case.

Behind them, Grey and Gwen saw Daniel in front of them.

They looked at the scene curiously.

Daniel did not stop them.

With their status, sooner or later, they would come into contact with these strange bloody scenes.

Two pairs of curious eyes looked over. With just one look, the two of them vomited.

There was no other reason.

The intense blood and the fragments of corpses that could be seen everywhere had shocked their young minds.

As interns, they had never seen such a scene before.

"Did you see it clearly?"

Daniel asked the two of them.

They could not even vomit in time, how could they answer?

Organs and blood spilled everywhere at the intersection. White human bones could be seen everywhere.

The hellish scene shocked those who were present.

"Are we going to deal with this kind of monster in the future?"

Grey, who had vomited until she was sick in her stomach, asked Daniel in return.

"What we're going to deal with may be an opponent that's even more monstrous than a monster."

Daniel's expression was calm. It was as if he did not take the scene in front of him seriously.

A few police cars whizzed past.

James and Carly arrived late as they could not keep up with Daniel's speed.

Under Gwen's surveillance in the police station, Daniel immediately noticed the abnormality in Chicago Welfare Institute. Hence, he quickly rushed to the scene.

No matter how James and Carly tried to keep up, the other party seemed to be able to predict the flow of traffic accurately.

Only James was left standing there dumbfounded.That was why he was late with some of his companions.

Only when he arrived at the scene, Grey and Gwen were throwing up.

It immediately made James, who had many years of criminal investigation experience, feel proud.

James had been a police officer for so many years. What scene had he not seen?

Children nowadays were indeed very capable and smart. However, they had not seen the big scene of the world. They still had to a lot to learn.

James walked up confidently. He greeted Daniel.

"Are these two kids scared by the scene? Let me see..."

James held back his nausea and could hardly hold it in.

What did he see? Was this hell on Earth?

Carly and the other agents who rushed over took a look at the corpses at the intersection.

They could not help but vomit. They all looked at James with admiration in their eyes.

As expected, James was the person in charge of Lott's case. Even when he encountered such a terrifying and bizarre scene, his expression did not change.

James noticed the looks in his colleagues' eyes. He could not say anything. At this moment, he absolutely could not destroy his mighty image.

"This was all done by Lott."

Daniel said softly.


James looked at Daniel in surprise.

The camera clearly did not capture who it was. How did he know?!

Daniel did not even raise his head.

Daniel looked at the Welfare Institute across from him and said, "Look here. This was Lott's Welfare Institute once. On the way here, I asked Gwen to pull up the surveillance footage. Lott came here this afternoon."

Daniel continued.

"Look at the symbols on these people. Although their limbs are broken, there are some places where a pair of wings can be seen next to a skeleton. This is the symbol of the King of Hell.

"The King of Hell is closely related to the Ian Family. A large group of people appeared here at night. They are probably here to surround Lott."

Daniel adjusted his glasses. This was one of the signs that his brain was working rapidly.

Just by cracking some fragmented clues, Daniel had reached a preliminary conclusion that was in line with reality.

There was no one else in the entire Chicago who had such terrifying reasoning ability.

Beside Daniel, James looked at him with a gaze that changed from respect to admiration.

"But can one person really kill so many people? Moreover, they have guns. Could Lott have accomplices?"

James asked with some confusion.

This was the benefit of having a highly intelligent colleague.

If they encountered difficulties, they would directly throw the problem to him and ask the result themselves.

"Look here."

Daniel pointed at the pistol that had been cut into two on the ground.

"The cut of this gun is neat and smooth, and the force applied is even.

"Only a cold weapon can make such a cut.

"Look at the other corpses. They were either cut open or smashed into pieces.

"All of these were caused by cold weapons."

James was a little puzzled.

"What does this mean?"

Facing James' question, Daniel's expression was a little cold. He revealed a serious expression.

"He killed everyone single-handedly.

"The scene was not caused by a free-for-all, but by a single person."

James shook his head repeatedly.

"Even if it was dozens of pigs, Lott wouldn't be able to kill them!"

The surrounding agents also nodded.

In their professional careers, they had never heard of a person killing dozens of people.

They chuckled.

If this battle was not recorded by the cameras, then it would definitely be recorded by a person!

Daniel avoided the bloody scene and came to the gate of the Welfare Institute.

Director Aisha was very tired after repeated torments.

At this time, she was even more dispirited when she saw the police coming.

"You're the director here, right? Can you tell us what happened?"

Director Aisha looked at the smiling young man in front of her. She knew that he was here to investigate Lott. So, she told him everything that happened last night.

When the director told Daniel that Lott had killed three people in one fell swoop, the policeman expressed shock.

Next, when the director told Daniel about how Lott had dodged the bullets, the policeman could not believe his ears.

Subsequently, when the director told Daniel that Lott used a knife to kill all the people of the King of Hell, the policeman's expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

The director could not help but cry in the end.

"Lott is a good child. It's all these bad people surrounding our Welfare Institute, resulting in the children having nothing to eat. Don't make things difficult for him."

James had a doubtful look on his face. "Have you ever seen a good child who cut down dozens of people?"