"You guys met like that?"
"Yeah, weird isn't it?"
"Totally. If I was in your position, I wouldn't come with her. Who knows right? Maybe she's really a serial killer or something else dangerous."
"She's a killer alright." Asher comments. "Because she took away Christian's heart."
"Shut up you ass."
"Cap, can you continue with your story?" He asks. "What happened after you guys watched the stars together?"
"After we watched the stars together..." He trails off as he looks at the distant space ahead of them. "Nothing was ever the same."
He told the youngest member how their friendship started from that very night. Since then, Christian would always find himself hanging out with the brunette who was named Lucy. She was a good company and made the hospital halls a little less like a hospital. She was fun to be with too, all of her playfulness and lame attempts at making him laugh were making every day spent in rooms with white walls tolerable. Lucy was a good listener and good talker too, Christian loved that about her.
She had been a great support system especially when Christian is doing his therapy and she was a good aid too, when the cheerleader was doing post-exercise routines and if Christian was being honest, he knew that he wouldn't be able to do this without Lucy by his side.
But there was one problem though and it was Lucy not telling Christian her reason for staying at the hospital. He might've asked the nursing staff or some patients whom he has met because they were friends with the brunette but all of them pledged loyalty towards the latter and didn't say a word.
Christian originally didn't want to pray at all because he knew that his time spent in the facility was only temporary but the more he hung out with the latter, the more he was eager to know about her current situation. In hopes that he would be able to do something about it or even lend out a helping hand when he's out.
"And so? How did you know about her situation? Did you meet her parents?"
"I did, but they too were asked by Lucy to not tell me anything."
"So when did you find out about her condition?"
"When I had to leave."
"Oh, you're early today." Lucy greets him as soon as he enters the latter's room. "Hold on a second, I'm just going to grab a blanket for the two of us. I heard from Nurse Eve it's freezing outside."
"I'm getting discharged today." Christian says making Lucy stop. "I just wanted to drop by to let you know."
It took a moment for the latter to turn around. "Great! That's great news Finn." She tries to make her smile believable. "I'm so happy to hear that."
"Lucy." He interrupts her congratulatory greeting. "You know this doesn't change anything right?"
The smile on her face was still there. "You know what, we should get something to eat. Why don't we head out to the snack bar and see what they have? Let's go! My treat!"
"Stop avoiding the topic."
"What topic?"
"Come on Lucy, don't act like you don't have a clue what's up. Tell me what kind of sickness you have."
"Because I am your friend!"
"I am not your friend Christian Finn." She says, surprising Christian completely. "Let's be honest here for a second, we both know that you only found comfort in me because you were in a foreign place and you had no one. I happened to be in that garden that night and you only agreed to spend time with me because you've got nothing else to do."
"That's not true! I enjoy your company!"
"Well my company is no longer available so I guess this is a goodbye."
"Stop!" Christian holds Lucy's wrist firmly.
"Let me go!"
"Not until you tell me what's wrong with you!"
"Fine!" She releases herself from Christian's firm grip. "You want to know what's wrong with me? I'm dying Finn. That is what's wrong with me..."
"W-w-what... Ho-how are you—"
"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy." She hangs her head low. "I don't know how long I can keep up though."
"Whoa..." Julian trails off. "That some major bomb drop right there... I'm sure it must've hurt you." He comforts. "But what does her sickness actually mean?"
"More than I could imagine really." Christian suddenly remembers the heaviness in his heart when he found out about the news. "I remember crying out of nowhere... it's a disease where her heart suddenly stops beating and she'll—she'll die."
"Just like that?" Christian nods. "Isn't there any treatment available?"
"Not to cure her permanently."
"What happened after she told you the truth?"
Now he has a timid smile on his face. "I told her, I'll stay."
Lucy looks at him weirdly. "Finn, did you not hear me?"
"I heard you perfectly. You're..." He swallows the lump on his throat. "You're dying right?"
"Okay... so?" He challenges. "So what?"
"You don't understand." Lucy tells him as she shakes her head.
"I think I do." He answers. "You're pushing me away because you don't want another person to be hurt when the day comes. You don't want to see me cry when you can no longer touch me. You're pushing me away now—hoping that it will help me move on from you. That everything that happened between us for the past weeks was nothing but temporary and replaceable. Well, guess what Lucy, everything is permanent."
"The laughs, the petty fights, the crazy ideas and the night spent underneath the skies were permanent. The sneaking out, the promises and the plans we've made were permanent too and me—" He walks a step closer to the dying girl. "I'm permanent Lucy."
The latter shakes her head. "I'm going to hurt you one day."
"Then hurt me." He says as he intertwines their hands together. "Until then, make me the happiest and I'll make sure that you will feel the same."
"Finn..." She trails off now with tears in her eyes.
"You can try and push me in every way you can think of, but I'll stay." Christian leans in and rests his forehead against Lucy's. "I'll stay Lucy."