Ten Taels 4

The whole scene was deathly silent.

A strange awkwardness had fallen over everyone in an instant.

No one dared to make a sound.


"What the heck?! Hahahaha, the house freaking fell."

Qi Qingyao burst out laughing, and the crowd was once more taken aback. Once she caught her breath, Qi Qingyao grinned at the Qi family, who were still frozen in shock. "You guys wanted the house, right? Ten taels in exchange for my life? Why the frick not!"

The Qi family, "..."

Each of them swallowed their saliva in trepidation, staring dazedly at the collapsed hut.

If anyone else in the village had their roof fall down over their heads, the villagers would surely pitch in some help. This time, however, everyone just looked away. Ma Sanye even dragged Qi Qingyao and the others away as fast as possible.

Qi Qingyao gave Si Jin a sideways look. "You just had to jinx it, didn't you? Once you said that, the house fell apart."