Returning Home Rich and Proud 6

Madam Wu sucked in a breath and glared at Qi Qingyao whose expression was haughty. Putting on a proud facade, she said, "Our family currently has ten strings of mace, so what need is there for me to be jealous of you? Don't flatter yourself. "

Ma Sanye did not want Qi Qingyao to be involved with Madam Wu again and so he actively tried to mediate the situation, "Qingyao, there's no need for you to lower yourself to her level."

Qi Qingyao smiled and replied, "Ma Sanye, I wouldn't dream of getting involved with a madwoman."

She looked at Madam Wu with a calm gaze as she said this. 

Madam Wu sensed the gaze the young woman had on her. It was calm and without a trace of hostility, as if no matter how much she made a fuss, she still would not be able to spark any anger in her. 

To be more precise, the gaze the young woman was giving her was as if she were looking at an ant.

This frustrated Madam Wu.

How dare she?