Purchase Land and Build A House 3

The three children walked over, having just finished their meal, confusion evident on their faces. Dabao realized that the men present all looked serious. He pulled at the hem of Qi Qingyao's dress with his tiny hand. "Mother?"

Xiaobao looked at everyone's expressions dubiously. He asked softly, "Were you having an argument with someone just now?"

Qi Qingyao said calmly, "No, I didn't argue with anyone. It's just that he was ready to renege on the pact and I taught him a lesson!"

Everyone was speechless.

She did teach him a lesson.

Erniu had eaten her fill. She was a little oblivious to the current circumstances and disregarded everyone's gazes completely. She said cutely, "Mother, where are we staying tonight?"

Qi Qingyao asked her with a smile, "Have you all eaten?"

"We have." Erniu blinked her large eyes.

"We should return then," Qi Qingyao said. 

"Where to?" Dabao asked.

"To the inn back in town," Qi Qingyao said.