Master of Architecture 2

Since she wanted to head back to the village to buy land, Qi Qingyao did not dally. After they were done with breakfast, she called for a carriage on the road and they immediately left for Linquan Village. She bought some souvenirs for Ma Sanye on the way and when they returned to the village, they went directly to his house.

Ma Sanye was very happy upon Qi Qingyao's arrival. The child had previously given him another two catties of beef, a meat only eaten by the rich. What good deed had he done to deserve such a nice gesture from her? 

Matron Ma was so happy that she was grinning from ear to ear as she hurried to brew some tea for her guests.

She even asked the three children if they wanted to play with her grandchildren. Dabao and the others really wanted to play, but they turned to look at their mother instinctively. Only when Qi Qingyao nodded lightly did they run to the side of the house to play with Matron Ma's grandchildren. 

In the central hall.