Master of Architecture 5

Qi Qingyao sat down after washing up. The three children served her like she was the Empress, pouring her water and serving her meal. Qi Qingyao was at a loss for words and did not know whether to laugh or cry at them.

Jiang Yeqian and Si Jin knocked on the door again. This time, they were finally let in.

The two of them sat across from her. Before Jiang Yeqian could ask Qi Qingyao what she was doing yesterday and why she had not opened the door, she posed them a question first.

She questioned them while drinking chicken soup.

"Did you two find all the workers and wood merchants for me yesterday?"

"I've found them," Jiang Yeqian answered.

Si Jin immediately patted Jiang Yeqian's shoulder and added on with a smile, "We looked together."

Jiang Yeqian side-eyed the youth but did not expose him.